Visiting a place that I had previously spent a wonderful time at with my IE triggered some strong emotions within. I do not think I can go back to that place again without revisiting these memories. What memories do places you have been to with your IE hold for you?
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Comments (12)
Life is a beach - 22 Jun, 2024 - 11:54PM
My most memorable moment is meeting my IE for the first time. I remember the lady at Starbucks saying you both look lovely. Are you going on a hot date? I found her charming. It did freak him out 😅 . I always smile when I go past it.
Since then, so many places to me will never be the same. I will forever treasure those memories no matter what happens.
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EmnEm123 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 07:51PM
Quality Counts
You can really lower the tone.
It's probably not the wallpaper but the little blue pills.
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1666143 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 02:52PM
#Catandtatman - no apologies needed, I love Manchester as well. That used to be another stomping ground of mine as a teenager.
have a great day
1678528 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 02:25PM
Sir Duke
Apologies. I thought you’d dreamt it, and added Derbyshire for a bit of geographical reference.
My bad.👍👍
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1673487 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 01:43PM
The stripey room decor in the Village hotels always gives me a hard on...
1666143 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 12:55PM
#catandtatman - The clue was in Derbyshire
boav91 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 11:39AM
Memories are partly why I got into doing this. I had in my normal life good times but with a lack of intimacy. I had all these ideas of what an intimate relationship could be like but I never experienced it. It was just in the movies, so I thought. That is until I met my IE. We have been able to explore that side together and have created so many fun memories of our own. When I go past the places we have been together I smile. It is great. I know she does the same. I dont see it as bad. Whilst I hope my IE relationship last a long time, as some people have had here, mostly I hope I can build more memories that will last with me no matter what the future holds. See it as a positive is my take on it.
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Paula99 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 10:47AM
This question applies to relationships in general..I am sure we have all been there before we got married/had kids…first love …holiday romances…toxic relationships…whether they create amazing memories or memories that need to be buried forever…
I have some fond moments with my IEs and mine have remained friends…also I have met some great people on here who were not IEs..😁
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1678528 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 09:54AM
Sir Duke
Was it Moomin valley?
1666143 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 09:08AM
Many years before EI came about, I met a lady and spent a wonderful Autumn visiting her at home where she lived in a small market town in Derbyshire. She overlooked the valley and we used to sit watching the smoke from various bonfires rising as the sunset over the valley. I have been back many times and still remember those heady days of warm autumn evenings, listening now to Forever Autumn - Just Haywood brings back those memories
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