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Best Places to meet

Bars and hotels are classic meeting places, but I'm wondering if there are any unique or funny alternatives out there.

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Comments (73)

SirrahNek - 19 Feb, 2025 - 03:09PM

It's an interesting idea, the best places to meet. (Sorry, being boring and dragging the conversation back on topic!). I guess bars and hotels are 'classic' because they're safe. There are people around, and people to get help from if your date turns out to be a bit, er, weird. But, once trust has been established, I'd go for something active. Hikes, bike rides, runs. Adventures. Something to get a bit sweaty.

EmnEm123 - 11 Feb, 2025 - 01:13PM


The adults here are the people who don't have multiple profiles.

You're not an adult.

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Enigma.. - 10 Feb, 2025 - 04:51PM


I’m going to be the adult here.
I’ll wish you all the best and good luck on the site 🍀.

1743108 - 10 Feb, 2025 - 11:55AM


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Enigma.. - 10 Feb, 2025 - 10:48AM


Grow up and start acting your age.

Seriously… is that the best you could come up with 😂🤷🏼‍♀️😏.

I’m so tempted to add “No shit Sherlock”… Oops I already did 🤣.

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1743108 - 10 Feb, 2025 - 10:43AM

Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
We got some work to do now
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
We need some help from you now

Come on Scooby Doo, I see you
Pretending you got a sliver
But you're not fooling me, 'cause I can see
The way you shake and shiver

You know we got a mystery to solve
So, Scooby Doo, be ready for your act
Don't hold back
And, Scooby Doo, if you come through
You're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack
That's a fact

Scooby Dooby Doo, here are you
You're ready and you're willing
If we can count on you, Scooby Doo
I know we'll catch that villain

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Enigma.. - 10 Feb, 2025 - 09:11AM

Scrappymog and the rest of the ladies and gents of Flirt Forum… (Clears her throat)

There once was a mog called scrappy.
Who thought he was such a witty chappie.
Shit stirring he does best.
To no one’s interest.
Because we all know his posts are just crappy. 🤣😉😏💋

You are all most welcome… (Takes a bow)

My agent and manager will now be excepting calls 😂😉💋

No further comment…

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Aaura1 - 10 Feb, 2025 - 07:05AM


My actual post was I was joking about this 😊.
Meaning I was joking about this to work colleagues.
But the (about this) got lost somewhere in cyberspace.
I’ve only just come back onto flirt forum after a year of avoiding it!!
Why! Because of idiots like you who put 2 and 2 together and come up with 17.
Last year, a female member, accused myself, Enigma and Enigmatic Lady of all being the same accounts 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️.
It actually became tedious defending ourselves but then why should we have to.
You are well named Scrappy.
Because you are always trying to shit stir on the posts.
Why don’t you just stick to using your litter box.
There’s a good kitty 😏.

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1743108 - 08 Feb, 2025 - 11:44AM

Hey Aaura

Moses supposes his toeses are Roses,
But Moses supposes Erroneously,
Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses,
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

Aaura, Emigma, Eningma, Aaura
Who are you, do you know who you’re supposed to be??

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Aaura1 - 08 Feb, 2025 - 11:34AM


I was joking 😊.
I know a lot of bars, restaurants, hotels etc… all have cctv too.
Big brother is definitely watching 🫤.

Time to start wearing wigs, glasses, coat collars up etc…. 😎.

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