It’s about location?
I am sure people are frustrated with where they live, compared to all those possible IEs elsewhere?
Can you have a long distance IE?
What’s the furthest you’ve travelled?
Are you too postcode specific?
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Comments (38)
Doubleohseven - 23 Oct, 2024 - 09:26PM
In war, bravery cannot compensate for poor logistics. In an affair, passion cannot do that either.
I usually meet in central London. In the past, I made some exceptions for one lady (the flesh can be weak...). I travelled to a place that was an hour and a half away from me, but 10' away from her place. She was 40' late the first time. And the 2nd time. And the 3rd. And then I made no more exceptions, and we reverted to central London (the flesh may be weak, but one needs a spine).
One of those times, as I was walking with her on a deserted suburban lane, I very narrowly avoided bumping into a very close collegue of mine, who - as I discovered that day - lives on that lane. So much for distance supposedly reducing risk of bumping into someone ypu know...
Unwoke! - 23 Oct, 2024 - 11:44AM
I do feel sorry for those on the islands. The pool in which to fish must be seriously limited!
boav91 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 08:50AM
I have met a few people on here but only one long term successfully. The people I linked with were all different and wanted different things and locations. The key for me was it has to work for both people have to feel comfortable with it. One person I met travelled all over the country as she wanted to. finding a date to meet there was the issue. More recently with my IE we have had to stay within a couple of counties to make it fit with what is normal for her, with occasional treats in London. You do what you can but what feels natural and works for you both. If one party feels uncomfortable about it, then it wont work
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Paula99 - 20 Oct, 2024 - 05:47AM
In my experience the sex is rarely any good to travel too far for a lover …plus the wear n tear/fuel/weather and road works all adds to the stress..
Not quite the same….
1704344 - 19 Oct, 2024 - 10:10PM
I can also travel a couple of hours distant to meet someone because I have a routine that makes that a fairly regular/expected thing.
I’ve had a few women here on the site turn me down as being “too far away” when that distance suits me just fine (and if not ask my partner to travel any further than she’s comfortable with).
1706135 - 19 Oct, 2024 - 09:07PM
I feel it is better further away from home & not on ones doorstep.
But yes, it is circumstances that allow you to take in to account the postcodes.
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1715930 - 19 Oct, 2024 - 06:24PM
Enigma thats why I am prepared to travel to reasonably close to a lady my work is flexible and I have excuses to be some way from home so ladies up to say 2 or 3 hours from home suits me fine
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laugar164 - 18 Oct, 2024 - 02:18PM
That's why I work round the lady's preference I travel a lot with work so it's easier for me to me more flexible as to where we meet , I want the lady to be relaxed and not worry about getting back should there be a problem
1494077 - 18 Oct, 2024 - 12:02PM
Enigma.. - 18 Oct, 2024 - 08:22AM
Exactly this.
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