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All good things...

All good things... come to an end. For the men and women who have had an affair, how long did it go on for? Why did it end? What would you do differently for your next affair?

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Comments (48)

tmn2024 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 07:50PM

GAV99 - not sure it has much to do with age. No matter your years, I've a feeling the general experience on this site (and others) is pretty rough. I've had zero results so far, and believe me I've been trying. Even if you find a profile that isn't fake and/or a scam (which in itself is difficult), there seems to be a general acceptance that we can treat each other with contempt and complete disrespect and rudeness. I keep getting ghosted...after what seems like a promising exchange a few times, bang, no reply, silence. If someone no longer wants to talk I wish they'd say so. But no, you just get left hanging. I find that very frustrating. And I imagine I'm not the only one experiencing this.

GAV99 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 05:23PM

Only have had one real liaison.
That didn’t last .
Sadly disillusioned with this site .
Maybe it’s because I am over 70 now , who knows .
Doesn’t pay to be an older man on here .

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Paula99 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 01:36PM


Sadly this often happens…in the cold light of day we look back in anger or sadness ….as your friend had discovered it’s easy to get carried away with the moment.
These things are there to test us …😇

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tmn2024 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 10:22AM

I've never had an affair so I couldn't offer any perspective on these questions.

I do know one person who had an affair however. It lasted all of three weeks, and she has vowed never again. She theorised that she felt "carried away" by this guy who is her husbands best friend. He is also married, but they had a spontaneous moment of passionate expression one night (you know - eyes suddenly met and locked, heart starts racing, instant realisation of a shared desire, etc etc etc). Without thinking she went with it and almost as suddenly, a few weeks later, she said she looked at him one day and just felt like throwing up......she no longer found him attractive and more than that, she found him completely repulsive.

I guess this is a fling rather than an affair. But from what I gather, she didn't know that at the time. Seemingly she was on for a longer term secret second life with him.

There are a full spectrum of affairs out there, I'd imagine. With luck I might have my own story to tell one of these d

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Cassie1963 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 11:10PM

Anyone here to talk about this?

justtheguynextdoor - 07 Mar, 2025 - 09:50PM

I always try to be thankful that it happened not sad that it ended. I think these things just tend to have a lifespan and that is they seem to end. Everyone is a learning experience though ☺️

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Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 04:31PM


Do you think she has been discovered ….it sounds like a classic ‘my husband as found out or I have decide to tell my husband’..?
It also could be …she is ill or a family member?
It could also mean she/ someone has passed away?

All major shocks !…. The above reasons put everything in perspective ….I often think about if anything serious happened… you couldn’t tell each other😞

It could also mean it’s over plain and simple and she needs to ‘take you out of the picture’ aka coping mechanism?

Tough times ….but we have to move on 🥰

rarity23 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 01:47PM

I had an affair for 6 months, she decided she wanted to end it, and it was amicable, we even continued to text occasionally for months.

I've been having an affair for the last 2.5 years, however all of sudden contact ceased a week ago.
You wouldn't think you would be ghosted by someone you thought you knew that well, I may never know what the issue was.......... would I have done anything different, definitely not :)

I have to guess it's over, no doubt I'll be looking again at some point !!!

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smartypants12345 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 12:10PM


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Crispy - 07 Mar, 2025 - 10:54AM

Morning folks...

Reading this thread has made me think that there are some magical things that can happen, some of you having over decade long (2nd) relationships...
Some not though too, but that's no less amazing, and sometimes when it's time to move on it's time, appreciate the pain if you've considered this person special in your life....

Thank you for sharing the messages too, I find a rare free morning now in which to indulge in some reading.... so cheers

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