Advice on sexy texts
Okay, where do I start? I’ve been seeing this man now for a little while, and we started going out on dates just before the country stood still! It was really going great, lots of good food and wine, conversation flowing, flirting, holding hands… I was so eager to see him again! And finally ready to take the next step and be intimate with each other, I cannot even begin to explain the levels of excitement and anticipation. And then WHAM, the virus takes over the world and we can’t meet up. It’s driving me literally insane, I’ve never wanted to see someone so desperately in my life before - it’s crazy. Especially since I was holding off on our first few dates, you know, to build up the suspense. The chemistry is undeniable and I cannot wait to see him again, but in the meantime, he’s been sending me some rather dirty messages, my only problem is, I don’t think I’m terribly good at this all sex text thing. Does anyone have any tips?
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Comments (101)
Boudicca - 23 Sep, 2023 - 10:59AM
To sexy text or not really does come down to your communication style and how you process written information.
Therefore to engage in responding to sexy texts authentically, you would have to feel aroused by receiving sexy texts.
If you are aroused by written word, it’ll be easy to respond in kind.
If you aren’t aroused by written word, explore what does arouse you and encourage that.
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1010337 - 06 Feb, 2023 - 12:41AM
Was it worth waiting for?
ExoticOrchid - 20 Aug, 2022 - 06:50PM
In my experience, those that talk the talk are those that cannot walk the walk so to speak! 🙄
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FluffyClouds - 20 Aug, 2022 - 06:44PM
If I haven't met you, I'm not sexting you. Innuendos like P99 says is fine up until then. It's different once you've met and are actually attracted in the flesh.
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Paula99 - 20 Aug, 2022 - 06:11PM
Not a fan of this...I don't mind a few innuendo and wot not....keep in cleanish....
Don't copy and paste Big Jugs monthly?...some of you won't remember the 'top shelf' in the newsagents...its the same thing you read online nowadays..🤣🤣🤣
The way I look at it is....yes we can all type it but can we do it exactly as stated.....NO..☹️
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mipaulac - 22 Jul, 2022 - 12:28AM
He's just increasing the intimacy think of it like a conversation you have prior and during sex pehaps to get you mastabating in anticipation
Sexy Senorita xo - 16 Jul, 2022 - 09:26PM
Always depends on what you feel comfortable with. For anyone in a similar position & is unsure/uncomfortable with sexting, I'd speak up & say so. It's not for everyone & there's nothing wrong with that. Love sexting my IE, but we're both dirty minded & on a similar wavelength. Plus, I enjoy the not knowing what his next sext will say or show!
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1383202 - 01 Jul, 2020 - 09:19PM
Just like to say that we are adults and some behave like children just saying.
Kiki75 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 11:25PM
In my experience it’s about really connecting with your own desire rather than simply telling him what you think he wants to hear. Authenticity is the key. You say you are incredibly excited about seeing him. You must have imagined what will happen when you do 😉. Talk him through it, including details that make the situation arousing clothing/environment/touch/smell. Go for it. I’m sure he will love it. X
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