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Advice on sexy texts

Okay, where do I start? I’ve been seeing this man now for a little while, and we started going out on dates just before the country stood still! It was really going great, lots of good food and wine, conversation flowing, flirting, holding hands… I was so eager to see him again! And finally ready to take the next step and be intimate with each other, I cannot even begin to explain the levels of excitement and anticipation. And then WHAM, the virus takes over the world and we can’t meet up. It’s driving me literally insane, I’ve never wanted to see someone so desperately in my life before - it’s crazy. Especially since I was holding off on our first few dates, you know, to build up the suspense. The chemistry is undeniable and I cannot wait to see him again, but in the meantime, he’s been sending me some rather dirty messages, my only problem is, I don’t think I’m terribly good at this all sex text thing. Does anyone have any tips?

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Comments (101)

1382044 - 09 May, 2020 - 09:45AM

Lots on line about sext texting, Bad Girls' Bible is good, though apparently a guy will be turned on by a text which we ladies would not have thought to be erotic.

Know how you feel though, we had just got things going nicely after the Christmas break (we met shortly before the holiday) and then my IE went down with the dreaded corona. A Very worrying time..

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Delphina - 17 Apr, 2020 - 04:02PM

Ooh dear I feel you, this Corona is soo terible, I hv been in similar situation, the only thing you can do is go along with sexting, phone calls as well is good or even video calls
Hang in there babes
All the best

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SAYSomething x - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:59PM

open_alternative - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:55PM

Not everyone's in the same boat captain! I'm still intimate with mine, albeit rarely. Everyone's home life is their perogative, and IE life the same!

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Tailormade80 - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:57PM

When you engage with the sexting thing......invariably the extent to which you take it can be a turn off or a turn on.......try being soft for starters.....nothing too heavy!....just a little risque!

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Golden Brown446 - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:56PM

Yes, use your imagination or find an erotic book, think about what you like and what you like from him, we men are quite simple you know... Or so you've been telling us 😊

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open_alternative - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:55PM

feeling frisky ….
photoshoot for the hubby?

if my other half sent me a nudey picture my reply would be ' was that meant for me?' and most hubbies on here would be a trifle suspicious !!

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Mews0001 - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:45PM


Blimey, I didn't expect to e attacked over my comment!
Obviously no-one would just open up a video chat with careful arranging. That would be patently stupid and I credit ALL the people on this site with way much more intelligence than to do that.

Agreed folks?

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Lustandpassion - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:40PM

Be open minded and perhaps allow him to lead and show you the way

SAYSomething x - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:37PM

Maybe video chats are a little tricky, not completely impossible! But sexy photos - that's not that hard, and if you get caught you can say you were doing a photoshoot for the hubby :'D kill two birds

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ExoticOrchid - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:31PM

Mews0001 - 17 Apr, 2020 - 03:03PM
Great suggestion … not!
Unless this lady lives alone … even then, the chap might have family around him … great way to get caught and end up at the divorce court!!!

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