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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?

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Comments (140)

Life is a beach - 12 Nov, 2023 - 01:14AM

All, don't despair!
I have only been here since end of June.
I have been reading your comments. I talked and met someone in public. Selfish person who didn't care about me having to plan things. Sufficient to say second meeting didn't happen.
I had started talking to someone and had told him I was kind of taken...
Well, you never guess what, this beautiful person whom I had told I was taken came back available.
He is much more than I ever expected. He makes me feel special and I am so glad I joined this site.

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ExoticOrchid - 11 Nov, 2023 - 01:42PM

ExoticOrchid - 29 Apr, 2020 - 04:16PM

Absolutely ... that's what we are here for after all. 😉

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1614937 - 11 Nov, 2023 - 12:43PM

I agree with the first part of Boav91's post. Being ignored over and over again and, when I finally got chatting and shared my pictures, being blocked instantly. Less desirable..? IE has made me feel more like The Hunchback of Notre Dame or The Beast without Beauty. I came here to find appreciation and share affection - I guess I must have picked the wrong time of year!

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Paula99 - 11 Nov, 2023 - 10:19AM

IE didnt make me feel more desirable…it made me think about changes in my life … job mainly and the loss of my father..also my health..🏃‍♀️
IE has been the saviour in my circumstances and my kids have 2 parents in one house …magic combination for me ..👍

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boav91 - 11 Nov, 2023 - 10:05AM

Initially being on here made me feel less desirable. How come so many rejections and no interest, but then it changed when I actually met someone who we both clicked. It is now mutual desire and we both love chatting, meeting and it led to the lack of desire that had established in 20+ years of being married and becoming more companions to rekindle the desire both of us wanted. For the firrt time in a long time it made me content to not have to look wider too which is really nice

Agree with the comments that it should be here about meeting the one not notches on bedposts. There are other sites you can do that on apparently.

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Mona mour - 21 Sep, 2020 - 03:33PM

I have learned one very important thing about myself since being on here...
I know my own self worth.
You know who you are and I won't name you but I will state that you are in your 40's from the Glasgow area. I hope you meet your match and she treats you how youve treated me and I've no doubt other girls on here. You are a despicable individual and didn't deserve anyones attention.

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ExoticOrchid - 01 Sep, 2020 - 01:40PM

Sparkle6996 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 11:01PM

If it helps, I'd say most of us have met similar men [no doubt men have met similar women too] and it is never easy to come to terms with. We do live and learn but still get caught.

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Sparkle6996 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 11:01PM

100% agree with Hot Lips935...
This site is about finding someone to have an extra marital affair with. Not just to see how many notches you can get on your bed post!
I have came across a few but especially one, who shall remain nameless, although I would dearly love to name him so that others can be saved the heartache he put me through. He made me feel like I was the one for him. He was messaging and phoning regularly and so desperate for a date. I fell for him. Arranged a date and it turned out all he wanted was sex. Nothing else. Wasnt even interested in my name. He said he only wanted to meet women for sex and didn't want to be with the same one twice. Had he put that on his profile or even said that in his conversations with me then I wouldve known he was not for me and moved on. He has really made my time on here so stressful as I don't know who to trust and who are genuinely looking for a relationship.
Please please don't rush into anything boys and girls. I've learned my lesson the hard way.

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Hot Lips935 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 10:38AM

My experiences on here have taught me one thing.(Before anyone gets on their high horse these are my own personal thoughts.)
I would much rather be with an older guy.I find them so much more genuine than the guys my age or younger.The older ones are more attentive and caring and are so much more capable of making you feel wanted,whereas the the others are only interested in your pw to see what you look like and how, quote, "slutty you can make yourself look". I've had so many remarks made about photos.Just please be careful and look after yourself.I have met too many of them on here.Quite frankly,they'd ride a barbers floor.They have absolutely no concept of feelings emotions etc.. and couldn't care less about you,what you want or how you feel.They reel you in,make you think you are the only one,take what they want and then dissappear onto the next poor soul.Those types are not looking for affairs or relationships they are looking for one off sex.Too many of them are treating this site like a b******.

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Autumn willow - 29 Aug, 2020 - 03:54PM

Awwww lillib
Thank you so much for your sweet comment
That’s cheered me up
Bless you 🙏🏻

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