Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?
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ExoticOrchid - 29 Aug, 2020 - 03:52PM
@ Autumn willow
You must not think that ... "it's not you, it's them" absolutely applies here.
Lillib has said exactly what I wanted to say to you. There are many men here without any cajones, honestly.
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Lillib - 29 Aug, 2020 - 03:48PM
Autumn Willow
“So in my experience it’s left me feeling very insecure and definitely not desirable!?“
Please do not let any man make you feel this way.
Count it as his loss or theirs please
I know IE can make one feel like shit at times but it does not mean that a woman is not beautiful, intelligent and desirable, it simply means that the true person for has not found you yet.
Please note that most of the ones rejecting you now will still come back with their tails between their legs
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Autumn willow - 29 Aug, 2020 - 03:34PM
I’ve not really had a proper ie from here
And I’ve had more coffee dates than you can shake a stick at
I had a dude tell me at the end of his date that I wasn’t his type and his live in girlfriend looked like les Dawson
A lot I’m my opinion just meet me out of curiosity to see if I do look at my pictures
Or think if this hot chick was willing to meet me then I’m going to fill my boots and stack up my chances back on here
So in my experience it’s left me feeling very insecure and definitely not desirable!?
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Th3on3 - 27 Aug, 2020 - 11:26PM
I was hoping it would, only the countdown clock is ticking and no takers yet
1329251 - 27 Aug, 2020 - 01:22PM
I've heard from men I've been with that it does x
1400319 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:43PM
Everyone is different but for me the answer is no. I dont feel more 'desirable' i am sure my OH still finds me desirable. I stay fit and I am relatively attractive and finding sex was never really a difficulty.
It is more about the intimacy for me having someone lavish me with affection which i what i miss and allowing me the freedom to spoil her sexually.
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1386735 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 08:55AM
Of course...If it didn’t what would be the point?🤔
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ExoticOrchid - 25 Aug, 2020 - 01:00PM
Is the Pope Catholic???
Of course it does!!!
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