Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?
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Comments (140)
twicedeux - 24 Aug, 2020 - 10:21PM
Absolutely, Im on my second time here, although not met anyone yet, however the previous time here was great feeling desirable and desiring the lady in question, although it fizzed out, it was the best sex ever.
732384 - 24 Aug, 2020 - 09:13PM
Desire, the placebo of boredom, the feeling many seek, if we are truthful it leads us along the IE path tugging our chain.
You kinky lot have a bigger chain!
1401704 - 24 Aug, 2020 - 07:42PM
In my case it was realising that my OH and me are very different people sexually and that this would never change
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Seedoo610 - 24 Aug, 2020 - 04:33PM
Hi , Well it is my second time here, a very successful relationship last time ,only ended due to the lady's drastic home life change
Been a while and as previously stated you miss the thrill of meeting someone new and the possible adventure,
Almost relive a teenage first date experience!
Until the nervousness subsides .
To reply to previous comment ,I think there are a couple of "Knights" here ,but not really what most ladies are looking for from my experience
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Lillib - 24 Aug, 2020 - 03:43PM
Yes it does make me feel desirable and I love all the nice compliments.
I love to dress up more now
IE yes😊
Bertieboxer - 24 Aug, 2020 - 03:12PM
at the end of the day the site is all about meeting that certain someone. If we had totally perfect lifes not one of us would have logged on.
A lot of us have been married a long time to attractive people but that physical side with umpteen years fades away a touch. You cannot beat that initial excitement of meeting someone new, feeling those butterflies and feeling a little awkward and those early kisses and intimacy.
Sometimes its daunting to read a wish list of 999 wants on someones profile ... please just show me normality and a sense of humour ..
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Bertieboxer - 24 Aug, 2020 - 03:07PM
Having an account is not a miracle wand but it does start that journey to meeting someone who can then fill in those boxes we have blank. Let's be honest we are all adults with busy lifes and now and again you get that reflection time to say "oh i must log on to ie " . if you have had a memorable time previously then you know it works but it's not easy finding the time to log in to start the process.
1266637 - 24 Aug, 2020 - 01:21PM
Knights in shining armour ?????, more like t:o(&£rs. In tinfoil here , where is Lancelot here Iv certainly not come across him , have fun don’t get caught and take nothing here seriously , everything else is just a bonus
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chaspy - 24 Aug, 2020 - 12:36PM
If I do indeed find an IE then I would certainly hope so. But it isn't just about being desired - it's good to feel the desire for that person too.
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