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How do you stop yourselves from falling for your ie? I’ve been here before and fell for him only to find out he had other women from the site and was on many other sites. It ended because I wanted an exclusive long term affair. Can any of you really say you don’t get attached to your ie after many months of being together? One night stands are not for me

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Comments (127)

1100888 - 19 Jul, 2021 - 08:27AM

When Lust turns to Love is when it gets difficult, that is when you are at your most stupid in regards to letting your guard down in terms of keeping your other life hidden.

1422816 - 19 Jul, 2021 - 12:11AM

I think it’s difficult not to develop feelings for your IE, I have had a wonderful loving affair in the past and it was heartbreaking when it ended. So accept those wonderful feelings but remember it’s not reality really, you’re both experiencing a small insight to each other lives, where it’s just lots of pleasure and not real life. Good luck everyone in finding their IE xx

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Relaxed Vibes - 18 Jul, 2021 - 03:31PM

Don’t be afraid of emotions but be realistic. It’s easy to fall for someone when you only receive the best of them. If you were actually married to your IE you would soon tire of domesticity and annoying habits. Keep them as a fun addition to your life but don’t have any unrealistic expectations

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orchid1967 - 16 Jul, 2021 - 11:32AM

I'm not sure you can help falling for someone but why do we believe that its impossible to be in love with two people at the same time? I think you can...

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Borderline847 - 16 Jul, 2021 - 01:41AM

I have stupidly fallen for my IE. I know nothing will ever come of it and I wouldn’t want to risk my security. The ground rules of this site but incredibly jealous of him spending a week away with family!!

truth and logic - 12 Jul, 2021 - 06:58AM

My affairs where work based ,not here .But i had strong feeling for both, that was the best part and as an adult you park those feelings when in the married world and save them for when you are with your lover, feeling make everything better(except the brake-up but again its big girl pants time)You know the risks when you start to play, it would be nice to think i was the only one but as you are already second fiddle to the wife, just enjoy the times you have together, be open but keep your eyes free of the rose tinned glasses.

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Sexyannie2 - 12 Jul, 2021 - 12:07AM

There’s a beginning the middle and the end…so now why the end has to bite the big one?

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windthruthetrees - 11 Jul, 2021 - 07:37PM

Hi SarahL. I suppose the only way you would know if someone is on several sites, is if you were on several sites as well… just saying…

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Sigmaguy - 11 Jul, 2021 - 06:31PM

SarahL - Oh that’s so unfair!!! Men have a much bigger handicap than women when it comes to internet dating.

If you’re a woman with a half decent bod you’ll be flooded with messages… no problem.

A dude has to have the size and shape of Superman, the tattoos of Aquaman and the sexual prowess of the dude in 50 shades of shite to get that level of success…

The playing field is totally unequal.

I’d get a huge red flag… by the way..: 😂😂😂

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1329251 - 11 Jul, 2021 - 05:19PM

Definitely not into one night stands. Also not into men who are on several sites to"increase their chances".... That's a red flag for me right there xx

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