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How do you stop yourselves from falling for your ie? I’ve been here before and fell for him only to find out he had other women from the site and was on many other sites. It ended because I wanted an exclusive long term affair. Can any of you really say you don’t get attached to your ie after many months of being together? One night stands are not for me

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Comments (127)

Bluesky5 - 11 Jul, 2021 - 01:55PM

One night stars are not for me. Sooner meet someone we I can and be honest.

1449137 - 11 Jul, 2021 - 01:32PM

Simply put, you will never know if you are in an exclusive affair.

Those that say they are 100% sure are either bullshitting or have found something very rare which i have failed to find.

To the poster, move on. He will eventually rue his mistake and likely slip into your messages again at some point out of desperation (it is always satisfing when that happens lol). Take you time on your next adventure, its your best hope of filtering out these "men".

Ignore the grumpy folk on here, i adore the thought of my IE caring that much. Just set firm boundaries on your respective lives and you are good to enjoy all the good bits. If a woman fell for me, i would cherish her and want to spoil her more.

Alas, i dont see it happening for me though, i took my time throughout my stint here in IE and didn't find "the one" but i am ok with that. I won't be returning, so sadly this is my last post and it has been a pleasure just conversing with like minded people on this site. Thank you all.x


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1455445 - 11 Jul, 2021 - 11:50AM

If he's meeting other women, firstly I'd get a std test if you're not using anything.
Secondly, due to the nature of the site feelings do happen, you either carry on being one of many or you stop it.

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Sigmaguy - 11 Jul, 2021 - 11:04AM

The only way to stop falling is to keep yourself busy with other things, give yourself other priorities and focus on them.

Emotional intelligence and the the love of self are vital. Otherwise you will probably end up in a worse place than you stated.

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1447655 - 11 Jul, 2021 - 10:09AM

Just because you fall surely doesn't mean you want to break your family and marriage up?! IMO keeping those feelings alive relies exactly upon not quite having the person completely.

A certain type of person experiences sexual and emotional extacy as a mutual bundle. How exciting and compelling the sex is is fueled by the feelings. If this is your kindling, then you know it, but you can mitigate the risk of being in a situation where this would be unwelcome by passing by profiles that have 'fun' or 'casual' set as what they are looking for, or where they say they are looking for 'fun'. Everyone likes a laugh, but it isn't the same hook.

Honesty is vital, you have to be gutsy and right at the start ask "And what if I fell" and if that makes them run for the hills then good, you missed that bullet. If they shrug, look you straight in the eye and kiss you...then you've got your 'catch.'

In my humble opinion...

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1371435 - 10 Jun, 2020 - 04:53PM

I agree be honest from the outset on a site like this. I had a relationship with a man I met on here, Who claimed he was married and was very unhappy, However stayed until his daughter had left college. In actual fact this man had an affair several years ago got caught he’s with his partner, went on here looking for an affair unfortunately for me he found me, I found all this out as his partner is a successful person and he was allover the internet with her. I was devastated the man I thought he was is no more 3 years being with an actor and a prolific liar.

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Chelseaguy12 - 23 May, 2020 - 06:39PM

dont stop yourself. I fell and love with mine. Being grown-ups we dealt with it. Best sex ever

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1366333 - 21 May, 2020 - 09:03PM

I just see the relationship for what it is. That’s not to say I don’t spend time thinking of him and wishing he were here with me..he isn’t...he can’t be...and I just have to accept that’s how it will stay. Emotions are funny things and at times, I’ve wished I didn’t feel so many of them.
Instead when the feelings get me...I keep busy, talk with friends, etc...and get on with my life until I see him again..

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playingwithfire1 - 20 May, 2020 - 04:00PM

We are all human , unfortunately with feelings . I think the biggest lesson here is , don’t be taken in . Yes it’s hard when everyone shows you a bit of attention but I’ve learn. Listen to your head not your heart ..

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1117169 - 20 May, 2020 - 07:59AM

If you are human and have emotional sensitivity and receptiveness, you can no more stop yourself falling for someone than you can stop yourself feeling hungry.

The difference is that you can decide to do something about the former or not, and much depends on your stage of life and personal circumstances. You have no options with the latter.

Much depends on your stage of life

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