I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage
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Comments (192)
ExoticOrchid - 16 May, 2020 - 10:28AM
My profile is pretty clear … I know what this site is about and I know why I'm here and I have no interest in anything more. I like being single.
Those who judge [females] are jealous of my freedom as far as I'm concerned.
Those who worry I'll get too attached to them [males] are flattering themselves … purleeese!!! [eye roll] In fact it's been the opposite in some cases.
People here seem to think single people have no life apart from here! This is not my whole life. I have a "real" life with family and friends.
As for Bunny Boilers … believe it or not they are not the sole preserve of single women … don't tar everyone just because of a few deranged ones. Married women can also be Bunny Boilers as no doubt some of you have already found out.
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1117169 - 16 May, 2020 - 10:27AM
Because, to put it bluntly " You have no skin in the game"
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Bugwithone - 16 May, 2020 - 10:25AM
I hate to point this out... We all judge!
This comment will be judged by everyone that reads it!
Some will agree with it and Like it! Then maybe check me out! After they have stopped laughing, they may contact me!
Others will think I’m a complete prat, check me out, throw up and block me!
That is life!!!
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Buffalo King - 16 May, 2020 - 10:14AM
I would like to concur with Cheekylady365. I don’t think you are being judged by the vast majority of people, but it is the dynamics of the situation you find yourselves in that does create difficulties. Whilst your intentions are lauded about not wanting to ruin anyone’s marriage, the reality is that if the relationship is ever discovered, you may well end up ruining a marriage but come through relatively unscathed yourself.
There is an element of risk and reward here and the higher the reward the greater the need to share that risk mutually.
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ExoticOrchid - 16 May, 2020 - 10:13AM
The13thdukeofwybourne - 16 May, 2020 - 12:07AM
Many are … especially the married women!
Yorkshirerugby - 16 May, 2020 - 04:47AM
Oh yes they do!
kwiatek - 16 May, 2020 - 08:25AM
I am beyond careful, especially on my IE's behalf!
tea_coffee_me_ - 16 May, 2020 - 09:53AM
(Keep in mind I am NOT married and on here)
a) ... why did you think you would NOT be judged, I did!
b) because this is a site for MARRIED PEOPLE, and you (I am) are not
c) because you have less to loose IF something goes wrong, you turn out to be a 'fatal attraction' in some way shape or form.
d) as others have said they worry you (I) would become too attached
e) you are on here for different reasons
f) married people THINK there is a dating scene for EVERYONE, I KNOW there is NOT
g) married people THINK there are many single sites where people are genuine LOL
Many have been very wary of getting to know me
- completely understandably
Many (as stated) see the benefits, for those without younger children to consider (I must do) it can make an affair much easier.
TBH I have NO idea how 2 married people manage and affair, and have quality time together, as often I can only see an IE once or twice a year due to their family/work/goldfish commitments.
Yes you are judged, as I am, expect it,
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1272141 - 16 May, 2020 - 09:53AM
Single or not. Some affairs here can actually become quite preoccupying. Folk will want some level of fulfilment. It is a relationship, just more efficient.
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1353301 - 16 May, 2020 - 09:23AM
I would actually prefer a guy that was single or separated, as it would take a bit of the pressure off meeting them with no worry of having both of us worrying about getting caught
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maturenortherner - 16 May, 2020 - 09:13AM
I have had one particular relationship with a separated woman through IE. It was fine at first then turned really sour and nasty. Resented the fact that I was married even though she knew right from the beginning. I asked her repeatedly why she had joined a married dating website? Got accused of twisting everything and blaming her. So I always ask that question of any lady I know contact, if they are single.
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jonsouth2020 - 16 May, 2020 - 08:36AM
No, but I prefer someone who has as much to lose as I do.
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