I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage
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Comments (192)
ExoticOrchid - 05 Dec, 2024 - 08:51AM
CC - 01:24PM
Honey, nothing is in a twist ... might not be your personal views but it is the general view.
I know many marrieds who are indiscreet, clingy, possessive, etc. Majority of singles are here by choice, precisely because they don't want a permanent partner. Simples.
Each to their own. Live and let live.
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Enigma.. - 05 Dec, 2024 - 08:09AM
I’ve had meets with both married, single, separated and divorced males from this site…
Being totally honest… the single, separated and divorced males are less hard work 😃.
More availability, more flexibility, able to meet up up in restaurants, bars, etc without panicking if someone drops a spoon or walks into said bar etc…😂, able to get away for overnights, weekends, etc.., less hassle, fewer cancellations and, I’ll admit, more relaxed and able to enjoy themselves.
Beats being stuck in a hotel room for a couple of hours, with a jittery married male. That’s happened to me on a couple of occasions 🙄🫤😏.
Not that I’m saying all married men are as I described above.
It’s just a more relaxing and enjoyable experience with the singles 😉😃.
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ExoticOrchid - 04 Dec, 2024 - 04:53PM
Oops just seen this ... thank you predictive text ... I meant Scrappymog of course ... apologies.
Clickable Connection - 04 Dec, 2024 - 01:24PM
Scrappy / Excotic
Let's not get our knickers in a twist 😂
I didn't say those are my assumptions - infact quite the opposite, I'm more than happy to consider singles , non-issue here
but I can see some of the thought process of how some married men (and women) might be when thinking about getting involved with a single person. And I can see they may prefer to get involved with someone who has just as much to loose as they do. There could be a perception that singles are not as discreet , the assumptions go on on
I'm not saying it's right , but the above are considerations , and preconceived ideas some might have.
Again it's all about preferences at the end of the day - like I said before, no one has any right to judge here
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Paula99 - 04 Dec, 2024 - 01:23PM
Just because you are single doesn’t mean you are not emotionally mature…there are lots of ladies that have been married had children and are now detached …if they like that way then it’s all good …bring single dosen’t mean they want to take everyone’s husband and keep him…. Most of the ladies just service him and send him home to his wife 😂…
Single bashing isn’t the way to go !!!!
ExoticOrchid - 04 Dec, 2024 - 11:53AM
Scrapping - 09:48AM
Thank you ... my thoughts exactly ... I know which sites to go to if I wanted a husband!!! 🙄
My profile is pretty clear yet many men prefer to flatter themselves that I'd want them for a husband!!! 🤣
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1725148 - 04 Dec, 2024 - 09:48AM
Pretty fuckin presumptuous or I could say conceited, to think someone single will want to steal you away from your marriage. Fuck me!!
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Clickable Connection - 04 Dec, 2024 - 09:42AM
I'm not sure it matters if you are married or single - as long as both are on the same page what you are engaging into , that's all good. Totally agree , no one here has right to judge others why they are here - keep those opinions to yourself.
Having said that , I do understand as a married guy , seeing someone single can and does throw up those questions - are they looking for more, will they ask me to leave my wife , they don't have as much to loose as me etc etc.
But honestly you just need to put those concerns aside and have a conversation and set clear boundaries.
On the note of single bashing - it's so interesting. I was (for my sins) on FAB as a married "single guy" many moons ago. The amount of single married people bashing on there was amazing. Isn't strange how different communities have different biases ?
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boav91 - 04 Dec, 2024 - 07:09AM
So my view on this has shifted a little over the year. I still think the risk is different between single people and married but it is a different risk not no risk. I was recently talking to a friend of 20 years. She is going through a messy divorce and there is no way she will want to be in a relationship for a while but knowing her and having got drunk with her in the past, I know she would miss the physical. A place like this would be really good for her. So my view is now if two consenting adults want to have fun go for it. Be honest about your situation and enjoy. We are all here for fun not hate, so live and let live is my current view on this.
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ExoticOrchid - 03 Dec, 2024 - 10:14PM
Both men and women here do judge ... every so often the "smug marrieds" indulge in single bashing here on the Forum.
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