I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage
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Comments (192)
Paula99 - 03 Dec, 2024 - 10:08PM
Getting personal dosen’t win in any way … it just shows a lack of intelligence
Fellotraveller - 03 Dec, 2024 - 10:04PM
I don’t know the answer to that question. You would have thought that this should be the least judgemental place anywhere.
Personally, I want to have a respectful physical connection without the emotional commitment
Tallandspicy - 03 Dec, 2024 - 08:42PM
You represent the "Judging community" from your comment perfectly.....and by your emoji.
Paula99 - 03 Dec, 2024 - 06:58PM
Ciao1970 ….
Are you saying that only single people can be independent?
Welshchick69 - 03 Dec, 2024 - 06:22PM
Since joining IE I have always been upfront that I am single.
I have never felt judged by any gentlemen I’ve met, messaged or chatted with.
Nobody on this site is in a position to judge.
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Tallandspicy - 03 Dec, 2024 - 06:17PM
Poor old Greg Wallace has been judged recently.....there's no getting away from it. If you put yourself in the frame, there's always someone who will take pot shots at your "character", because they've been brought up differently. Woke society at it's very best! Stay single and be proud that you can be independent!
Paula99 - 03 Dec, 2024 - 02:20PM
People will judge you for eating meat ..smoking …drinking …taking drugs …not taking exercise …why should being single be any different?
As long as you mention your status and your intentions married/single either way you are still involved in someone else’s marriage…
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Paula99 - 03 Dec, 2024 - 01:27PM
If you don’t want comments on your ‘hidden proclivities’ why are you posting on the forum …?
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marklondonengland - 03 Dec, 2024 - 12:28PM
The first time I joined IE I was at the end point in my marriage. I knew it was going to finish, but I didn't know exactly when. When I did get divorced, I stayed here and made it clear that I was single and divorced, but was not looking for a new partner because I had just been married to someone for 12 years and I needed some time without that commitment.
Everyone I talked to appreciated that I was just direct and honest about my own situation. I never really found anyone suspicious of my motives. If someone felt that I was not being straight with them then I didn't continue talking to that person.
I met a new IE who was married and her kids went to school near to my home, so it was a nice arrangement where she might be "delayed" on the school run now and then. It worked for both of us, regardless of me no longer being married.
The key is just to be open about what you want... and be honest with yourself about it too, because if you find you are falling for an IE then it can end in tears...
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