I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage
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Comments (192)
1642572 - 07 Jan, 2024 - 01:10PM
I know exactly how you feel. Worse of all, I’m a man and everyone thinks that you just want one thing. But this is not always true.
When our relationships break down the last thing we all want is to jump into another full on relationship, but we really want to be able to give affection, passion and all the good things we have inside us to someone and share good times, laughter and all the things we have to offer to someone else. This is even the people we meet are in a relationship but still craving and wanting what we all have to give. There must be someone that doesn’t believe that you are just looking to get between the sheets with as many as possible?
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giggly hamster - 02 Jan, 2024 - 11:11PM
Just be honest.
If you've not perhaps been in a full time relationship then you'll never understand the risks that those who have run signing up to this lifestyle choice.
There's a big difference between a single person who's never had everything to lose, and a single person who knows what it is to have a marriage or partnership torn apart by indiscretion, but only maturity will teach you that.
Nobody wants to ruin a marriage, that's why they''re here. A single person who has just come out of say a thirty year relationship is more than aware of what's at stake than someone who has never had to support anything other than their trousers.
Nobody judges, everyone goes in eyes wide open and if you say yes you can't then say it hurts.
Kindness, understanding and compassion go a long way in things like this, and the risks are known to all.
Anybody who has been in this situation will know that what starts as harmless fun can turn into something very complicated with one wrongly timed word.
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Doricles - 29 Dec, 2023 - 10:09AM
It’s interesting how these conversations end up going down so many different rabbit holes and how hostile they become in the process! IMO, it’s an “Illicit encounter” provided at least one of the ppl taking part is married, is in a long term relationship or they have a current boyfriend or girlfriend! The clue’s in the title! If you embark in a relationship with someone new when you’re already in a relationship, then you’re doing something illicit, as in you’re doing something that you don’t want the other person in your life to know about! Personally, I don’t care if IE members are single or not. Singles may not have as much to lose as those in existing relationships but they will experience the roth of a disgruntled partner if their dalliances are discovered! We all have the freedom of choice when it comes to deciding who we want to have a relationship with …. especially a physical relationship 🤷🏻♂️
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ExoticOrchid - 29 Dec, 2023 - 08:30AM
AA - 07:31PM
Not if one has the brains to think for oneself!!!
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Paula99 - 29 Dec, 2023 - 05:30AM
It’s a good job some of us are more intelligent to realise that we don’t need to watch you tube/reality tv to understand how dating works( or not works in most cases)…the information we get from the phone /laptop is a guide and therefore should not be thought of as God!!!!
All this AI is making us like clones … we are loosing our senses and our ‘common sense’
Andrew Andrew…
It’s not always the best option as there is always an answer but it’s not the one we are looking for ..
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1632896 - 28 Dec, 2023 - 08:44PM
You need to stop watching that YouTube shit.😆
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Andrea Andrew - 28 Dec, 2023 - 07:31PM
Its the best way to check things out!
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Son Of Loki - 28 Dec, 2023 - 09:47AM
I agree that the woman has a raw deal as you describe, but it implies she’s a bit muggy to even consider such an offer, and if she is that desperate for him it implies she dating above her looks level, she would not put in one sided graft for an average guy.
According to big YouTube Content Creators who talk about modern dating, the hottest men make no effort at all because they have abundant options and need to make no effort to get women into bed.
The thirsty average married men are more likely to give Queen treatment. If a guy is single and targets married women, that suggests he’s more likely to be a bit of a player.
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London70xxx - 27 Dec, 2023 - 06:38PM
Tha trick is not caring what others think. you know your own reasons and that’s all that matters and you’re being honest with us.
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