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I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage

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Comments (192)

Delicious Chaos - 27 Dec, 2023 - 05:38PM


Well spotted.
Reminds me of a guy I once knew who had a female profile. Whatever floats your boat I guess ;-)

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FluffyClouds - 27 Dec, 2023 - 05:21PM

There are pros and cons for both single and married, just do what you feel comfortable with 🤷

FluffyClouds - 27 Dec, 2023 - 05:16PM

Ann Coats -

I'm confused. You say you are seeing married women, your comment is referring to yourself as a man...yet your profile is a woman?

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Enigma.. - 27 Dec, 2023 - 01:52PM

@Son Of Loki

What’s relaxing about said male, after having sex, rolling over, going to sleep and snoring 💤.

Then said female has to make her own way home. Taxi!! Or having to drive home,

It’s just the laziness, the convenience, the selfishness, and especially the “I don’t need to make the effort” attitude that “insert a few appropriate words” females off.

This is not a dig at you.

Unfortunately it’s what most single males on this site are like and expect.

But then there is a saying that copper wire was invented by 2 Scot’s men fighting over a penny lol 😂😝😉.

Just saying 😉💋

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Son Of Loki - 27 Dec, 2023 - 11:27AM


There are social media rants by women complimenting about the ‘low effort’ guys who don’t offer a proper date, who only offer the ‘come over to my crib for Netflix and chill’ night.

Guys reply videos justify this as a more relaxed venue without all the cost of a restaurant etc

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Enigma.. - 27 Dec, 2023 - 09:18AM


Perhaps I should have put 🙄😕🤷🏼‍♀️ after my post.
Unfortunately there are more single/divorced/separated males in the areas I’m interested in than there are males who are married or have a partner.

That’s another thing I noticed whilst messaging etc… single males.

Most of these males, are more than willing, to accommodate 😏.
Food, usually a fast food order 😂, drinks, movie, sex but not necessarily in that order lol 😝😉.

How appealing 😏.

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Delicious Chaos - 27 Dec, 2023 - 09:00AM

Just for the record I’m not saying singles are indiscreet, I’m saying singles have less to lose. You are correct there are plenty of dicks here and yes you can be exposed by a single or a married.

Good for you that you have a nice place to hide if needed 😏👍

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1494077 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 08:08AM

Ann Coats - 26 Dec, 2023 - 10:29PM

Maybe your marital status is not the issue that raises eyebrows 🤨👀😜

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Ann Coats - 26 Dec, 2023 - 10:29PM


Yes I’ll try and answer. I have two young adult children who would probably be ashamed that I see a married women.
All evidence of such is discretely but firmly hidden in my home.
The implication in these threads is that single men are indiscreet. I wonder why. We have jobs. Look after ourselves. Care about things and most importantly if we find an IE the absolute last thing would be to want to lose her. It’s hard enough to find one.
I think there is a natural reaction against single guys. But hey. The people on this Forum, if representative of the whole of IE are not children. We are adults and behave as such.
Plus, there are enough posts on this forum to suggest that some men, married or otherwise, are dicks. You have as much chance of being ‘exposed’ by a married man as you are with a single guy. And at least we singles have a nice hideaway ha

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bobloblaw10 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 04:59PM


Eep. That wasn't intended to come across as a humblebrag. Promise. I have been lucky.

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