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Dating tips

Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language. 

My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?

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Comments (169)

1632896 - 31 Dec, 2023 - 11:53AM


Always blame the women eh? Thats some pretty nasty vibes your giving off..but if you spend time too much time watching YouTube and being told what you want to hear…that women are the problem, then it’s not surprising.
Weak minds and shitty attitudes tho.

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Paula99 - 31 Dec, 2023 - 11:24AM

People perceive things in certain ways and the influencers that promote those tv/you tube ‘desperate dates’ are there to make money …those dates are dramatised for it..
and the cash 💴 is driving it..
Yes we have all known how certain men/ women behave…it’s nothing new …it’s been going on forever …these channels think they have invented it…yes it does happen but they exaggerate it and therefore ‘label it ‘ so it becomes an issue …
In reality we have all been in a place and we know …I have been out with my friends and we would ‘play games’ but we didn’t realise that they were playing the ‘same ‘ game..
My point being is ….why are we letting these channels dictate how we should date …we have the experience and the intelligence to question it …certain people are watching too much shit on their phones/ tablets and not really ‘listening ‘

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Son Of Loki - 31 Dec, 2023 - 09:26AM

I saw a vid of this dude explaining how he is broke, met for a date at a cheap bistro, he ordered a cheap Burrito and tap water, his date starts ordering top shelf spirits, he’s like ‘whoa baby, we’re only paying for what we individually order, I’m not gonna pay for those drinks’ to which she agrees, then later she says she’s popping to tue bathroom, and does a runner.

He concluded the vid saying from here on in it’s Netflix and Chill only

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Son Of Loki - 31 Dec, 2023 - 09:20AM

Lusty 40

I can think of women who men would lay-out the dating red carpet for, and women who they wouldn’t, it’s about the subliminal vibe each women give off.

For you to have never had a proper date, is going to be down to clues you give out about yourself which guys interpret as ‘this will be an easy lay’.

It’s important not to give out pity / victim tones such as telling men you never get tret right

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Paula99 - 10 Dec, 2023 - 07:12AM

In my day …we relied on looks primarily as we would go to the pubs/clubs and dance around our handbags…have a few drinks…fall over in our heels because the dance floor was slippy…then chat to lots of guys or just get pissed and wait for some guy to come over to ask you to dance..then the end of the night the DJ would play the slowies and you would get grabbed by a guy and then dance close together (well if you could stand up ) …then your guy would walk you home or get into a taxi with you …at this point you would snog until you couldn’t breathe but in my case I was so pissed my guy carried me home
This is how I met my husband…….😂

Real life dating was much easier at that time and we didn’t have those stupid apps that tell you how to get your 10/10 even if you are a 7/8…because all these apps are dictating how we ‘should’ date …that’s where it’s going wrong ..😑

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1588157 - 10 Oct, 2023 - 03:11PM


Good grief!

I can offer the following options:

1) a day in a punt ( I said PUNT ) on the Cam followed by a cheeky glass or two of something fizzy.

2) zip wire in bethesda quarry north wales followed by a stiff brandy.

3) boating in the dodgy inflatable on windermere followrd by cumberlamd sausage (steady on) and a pint of guiness in the lowwood hotel.

4) boating on the Leeds Liverpool canal (NINW will lend me her canoe) followed by a pie on a barm cake and a cuppa.

5) hot air ballooning on Clifton Downs Bristol followed by a pint of very strong cider.

P911Red Letter Days

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1494077 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 06:41PM

Lusty40 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:05AM

What L&E said. You deserve a really nice date.
We can be discrete and still have a marvellous time!
Rooting for you 😊

Legs&Eyes - 09 Oct, 2023 - 01:29PM

Lusty40 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:05AM

I might be misunderstanding, are you saying out of your 2 marriages you never went out on any nice dates before marriage?? Surely not?

I've literally said 'wow' out loud about 5 times... your post has made me a bit sad if I'm honest... I'm sending you a massive virtual hug and putting it out to the universe for you - THIS LADY NEEDS A NICE DATE NIGHT! x

Beckysharp - thats EXACTLY what its known as! Haha...

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1408586 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:33AM

I think it’s called Netflix and chill in the singles world 😂😂

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1529050 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 11:28AM

Lusty40 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:05AM

So meeting someone on here - you would chat on line then first meeting sex?

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