Dating tips
Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language.
My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?
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Comments (169)
Lusty40 - 09 Oct, 2023 - 09:05AM
So I’m nearly 43 & although I’ve been married twice & now divorced twice….. no man has ever taken me out in a date. It’s always just sex.
Not that I’m complaining. But would be nice to find someone who was old fashioned in his values & wanted to treat a woman right.
I get the who discretion thing. But maybe one day!?!
1494077 - 08 Oct, 2023 - 08:14PM
MrSurfer - 08 Oct, 2023 - 07:35PM
Very alright for a newbie. Most importantly, relax and enjoy yourself on that date!
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MrSurfer - 08 Oct, 2023 - 07:35PM
Don't worry about messing up (confidence), read and respond appropriately, compliment (sincerely, and be specific), be respectful, be patient and don't listen to me... I'm new here :)
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1104299 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 08:47PM
If it’s right it’ll come naturally without any work on anyone’s part, nothing to relearn and it’ll just happen… you’ll know from the first message and everything else will drop in to place.. good luck!
1494077 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 06:51PM
FluffyClouds - 04 Oct, 2023 - 12:34PM
Exactly. There is no point. If my profile speaks to the man, he will write. And I will be able to tell if he is genuinely interested, and respond accordingly.
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FluffyClouds - 04 Oct, 2023 - 12:34PM
I don't really search for this reason, the Gold issue. Can't see the point really. Isn't that part of the experience for the men, to search and chase? 🤣
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1588157 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 12:21PM
Hes a bloke ....we dont read instructions !
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