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Is monogamy unnatural?

I tried to be faithful, for a long time. However, I always, always had the feeling I needed to see more than one person. I used to think that there was something wrong with me, but now I'm certain that it is monogamy that is unnatural.

Agree or disagree?

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Comments (245)

AAGilfan - 20 May, 2020 - 11:06AM

Although, Exotic Orchid, it might actually be the case that most men on IE want more sex than their wife WANTS WITH THEM. Maybe she is having her fun too and, possibly, it being better (or at least more interesting while it lasts) with her own IE and is not so bothered about what goes on at home....... ;-)

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ExoticOrchid - 20 May, 2020 - 10:15AM

SamuelRRR - 20 May, 2020 - 10:06AM
"The problems come when in the affair one side wants more than the other."


However, is that not the same problem in a marriage too … most men on IE say they want more sex than their wives and that's the reason they are on IE.

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1341179 - 20 May, 2020 - 10:06AM

My opinion is you can be faithful if you're content. If you want more of something then you have a few opinions in your monogamy, but playing away from home is also a choice.

A new lover experience has elements that are brilliant

And if you want more physical time, an affair (that both sides) just want to fuck is a win win.

The problems come when in the affair one side wants more than the other.

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1272141 - 20 May, 2020 - 09:11AM

There wouldn't be any ie .
Thats no fun is it?

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1117169 - 20 May, 2020 - 08:57AM

I think most people would agree with you though it applies more to men than women who have a natural instinct to find a long term protector and provider for their offspring as they are naturally the " Carers" whose primary instinct and responsibility is to bear and raise the children. This is of course the "Maternal instinct". Mens natural instinct is to perpetuate their genes with several mates. This is the "Paternal instinct" You see this in the animal kingdom.

Of course humans are not mere animals and we live in a modern sophisticated civilised society where natural behaviour would be chaotic. Organised religion " The Church" has therefore promoted ( Preached) the moral belief that polygamy is immoral and " Sinful" to discourage such behaviour and The Church and The State have colluded to invent the institution of marriage for life to the same partner to reinforce that moral concept.

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