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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (147)

1723953 - 15 Dec, 2024 - 03:54PM

one would be a great start!

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Justme4uEssex - 13 Dec, 2024 - 09:30PM

For some yes for others no, just be clear on your expectations and if you don't agree then don't go there simple

ABronteSister - 13 Dec, 2024 - 07:20PM

I’ve had a quick look at your profile and I’m not sure the ‘Where’s Wally’ profile photo helps build an image of who you are. Is that a ‘look alike’ or a suggestion on your intentions!? You might also want to fill in all the sections of the profile including what you are looking for. You also mention how shy you are several times. There is a balance of being honest and coming across as insecure. Hope that helps x

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Persephone80 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 01:32PM

I find it hard to fit in one IE let alone more than one …

However let’s face it we’re all cheats and liars on here so not sure you can trust anyone….. 😈

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1725148 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 12:34PM


Ever read a question and just answered it?

Also, you forgot to mention the week you were shagging four different women from four corners of the globe.👍

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marklondonengland - 13 Dec, 2024 - 12:19PM

This is actually four different questions bundled together, but one the main point, managing more than one IE at a time is surely difficult for most people (unless you are single and using this site) because you need to justify time away from home and doing whatever you would normally be doing. That's hard enough with one IE, let alone many at the same time. What is more realistic is that you see one IE, but keep a toe in the water here until you decide that it's time to stop using IE or your IE is so perfect that you want to keep it going for the long-term.

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1730254 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 10:19AM


Be patient (above all else, this is a long game), be respectful, write specific opening messages to people you actually match with in terms of their needs.

95% of the time, you’ll write really nice opening messages to women with nice profiles and get no reply. Get used to this, don’t let it get you down (because if they’re not going to reply to a polite message, what kind of a woman are they?)

It’s a long game, but the rewards are there.

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1680254 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 09:49AM

Hi been on site for 4 months and find it difficult to connect with women. Feel like Terry Wgan blankety blank. Is there som advice out there and where are the ladies who want to have fun ? Thought people on site where looking to get out of the normal run of the mill full day !! Ok ladies can you advise ?? Xx

JessicaRampantRabbit - 13 Dec, 2024 - 09:24AM

Definitely not. Why limit yourself?

1730254 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 08:35AM

I think for many people here (especially men), just finding one is hard enough, let alone finding more…

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