Is one IE enough?
How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?
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Comments (147)
Life is a beach - 14 Jan, 2024 - 12:01AM
I like one good steak and one salad, not two.
I find my IE relationship fabulous and wouldn't cross my mind to contemplate someone else.
I can see why some of you who don't get a good steak would like 2 salads 😅.
Yes, there is a lot of temptation, especially for us ladies who don't have to pay.
If you have found someone great, why would you even consider seeing someone else?
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Somniata - 13 Jan, 2024 - 11:28PM
Is one IE enough you ask! I guess it depends on the nature of your 'encounters'. If you are about casual, NSA type of relationships then I guess you won't feel the need to be especially faithful. I prefer a romantic exclusive affair, so yeah I'm monogamous and I believe he is too. I don't have a physical relationship with my husband and since I started with my IE I almost feel he is my sexual partner. It's funny but my husband, after years of not reaching out to me, has started to be a bit more touchy-feely and it feels weird. I don't really respond because I no longer have any sexual feelings for him. My IE and I are so physically compatible, I almost feel we were meant to be.☺️
I've been asked by some why I'm still on IE if I've found The One - well, because I like being here, especially the forum.
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giggly hamster - 13 Jan, 2024 - 10:12PM
Isn't this question like asking someone to cut their own throat?
Obviously my question is hypothetical as I don't actually understand the question.
This is obviously aimed at the lady's as the phenomenon of women throwing themselves at your feet is something that I experience all the time, till I wake up and realise it's morning again, and in the words of henry's cat... "oh no, it was all a dream'.
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Secret_fun2020 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 04:25PM
Always! Being with one partner only (wife not counted as there's v v v little sex) instills trust and that leads to better sex
1639646 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 04:03PM
It's hard enough to fit in one IE plus normal life so no idea how you would go about having multiple IE's.
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WineAndOlives - 13 Jan, 2024 - 03:57PM
Not sure my head, heart or time management skills could handle seeing more than one from IE.
Always see my IE life as parallel to home life ( bit more colour to it maybe), and hasn't affected life at home.
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1447655 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 12:05PM
Ahh yes, the main course and the side salad conundrum.
Problem is that when you really like the steak the salad just won't do. And the salad always really likes you. But if the steak simply will not let itself be eaten, do you then need two salads? Or do you look to replace the steak?! One for vanilla and one for kink?!
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LadyDe - 13 Jan, 2024 - 11:33AM
Yet again ditto to all you say 🫶🏼
For me if I had 2 or more on the go it would be all the sexting inbetween meets … my last IE I was lucky to have weekly meets (I am greedy) but equally quality over quantity wins for me now, if my IE can only do once a month, even if it’s frustrated torture it will be worth it if it’s good 😊
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Paula99 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 11:10AM
In the past we have discussed the idea of a ‘side salad and in some instances it could work..
If you only see your IE maybe once month because he travels and maybe can only ‘fit you in’ on one occasion and of course if family issues clash then you get cancellations…each time the ‘waiting ‘ gets longer.
The answer could be to take another lover to cover the interim stage..
You could have one vanilla and one kinky….best of both worlds😂
The down side of it is you are juggling home/family/work life which is extremely difficult…can you keep up with 2 lovers and your partner/husband/wife
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LadyDe - 13 Jan, 2024 - 09:35AM
Yep I was monogamous to my IE. I mean who has time for several? Im chilled with the exclusive thing though, if they want to introduce someone or want to go to a private sex club I’m cool with that, I might want to come too…as a couple your journey is your journey, the only rules are what you both agree on as an IE couple. As far as married life yep we’re still active too …
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