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Ice Breakers

What's the best way to break the ice?

Any good conversation starters, or have any of you experienced any unique ones? Prey tell :-)

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Comments (185)

1349881 - 27 May, 2020 - 03:25PM

Any message that shows they have read your profile has to be taken seriously. What particularly annoys me is initial messages which are a copy of part of their profile. Clearly part of a mass dump to all and sundry.

phillyd - 26 May, 2020 - 06:52PM

Pity that you are not local to me

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Ctyolene - 26 May, 2020 - 06:33PM

@phillyd Good gin works for my aftercare. It's a bonus if I'm sitting uncomfortably

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phillyd - 26 May, 2020 - 11:10AM


Definitely not a Christian Grey. But I respect hard limits, soft ones are there to be pushed. What is important is aftercare!

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Ctyolene - 26 May, 2020 - 02:49AM


Sure, but it becomes pretty obvious quickly if they know what they are talking about, and how good they are at consent.

Like if someone says they are a real life Christian Grey, I know they are fakers, because Christian Grey would be my lapdog.

Mostly they suddenly get all submissive and ready to do anything I tell them.

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phillyd - 25 May, 2020 - 11:23PM

Ctyolene that is so funny. But don't you get the odd idiot who doesn't know about limits?

Ctyolene - 25 May, 2020 - 10:06PM

I tend to ask what they are looking for, and say I'm looking for an experienced sadist. That weeks out the vanillas pretty quickly.

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phillyd - 25 May, 2020 - 09:54AM

From a personal point of view, I always try to make a comment about something in the ladies profile. Though the computer generated ones can be a challenge.

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1328828 - 25 May, 2020 - 06:55AM

anonymouse-1 - 24 May, 2020 - 10:48PM

You’re not being picky at all, I’ve been accused of being too fussy in the past but I just know what I’m looking for.

If someone doesn’t make the effort in the beginning then that tells you a lot.

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1246011 - 25 May, 2020 - 12:55AM

Sarcasm. For me anyway. I like someone who is funny and thinks outside of the box other than a general 'hello'

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