Ice Breakers
What's the best way to break the ice?
Any good conversation starters, or have any of you experienced any unique ones? Prey tell :-)
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Comments (185)
spud105 - 25 May, 2020 - 12:24AM
@Teresa di Vicenzo
As like all your comments on many different topics on lockdown love you are absolutely correct.
Only one thing though! I wish it was, as you say, "Easy Peasy"!
I've tried many different approaches over my time on IE, many of which are simply ignored. To those I just say manners cost nothing but mean so much.
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1385524 - 24 May, 2020 - 11:58PM
I'm new to IE and struggling with the ice breaking thing. Is it just me or does anyone else find it a challenge? The difficulty for me is in a live environment ( club or pub ) you can get a feel for the person you would like to approach - the online environment is quite intimidating. Any suggestion adn advice welcome. I dont want to seem like a twat, but also corny is not any good either right?
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1320953 - 24 May, 2020 - 10:48PM
I always appreciate the messages where you can tell they’ve actually read my profile . Rather than the “so tell me what you’re looking for “. .... I automatically think we’ll they haven’t even bothered to read my profile . Do others get this ? Is it me being picky ?
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Yorkshirelass1 - 24 May, 2020 - 08:24PM
Anyone got milkshake. I know its cheeky of me. But hey.
Id also say i was into rugby too, and from Yorkshire. Whats not to fall in love with!
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1366769 - 24 May, 2020 - 08:19PM
I hear ya sister :)
Shame we cant chat as we are the same sex lol
I have a box of chocolate so will enjoy it until my hot male comes around
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Yorkshirelass1 - 24 May, 2020 - 08:17PM
Sorry i think you mean break the ice with talking to someone. Generally a Hi you okay. I'm ....
Yorkshirelass1 - 24 May, 2020 - 08:04PM
Unless a milkshake is preferred to champagne. I'd try the hot mail youre talking about. Who knows you might get a response then.
Unless you dont want to. X
1295389 - 24 May, 2020 - 07:52PM
Really annoying when in the first line of chat they send there password and get annoyed when you don’t reciprocate!!
Trust must be built.
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Yorkshirelass1 - 24 May, 2020 - 07:51PM
I agree, but perhaps they cant respond as yet on here and they do want to make contact. Maybe the profile might give something away. He might be a hot male. Is it not worth seeing.
Im sure champagne will help! ;) x
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