Should I keep my options open?
I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?
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Comments (132)
Paula99 - 19 Jan, 2024 - 11:25AM
Well said ..👍
I am a great believer in live and let live …you can chat to whoever you want but for those that think they can do ‘multiple chats’ at the same time as you and think that we don’t know ….think again
You know who you are 😔
You know who you are !!!
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Suffolkrogue - 19 Jan, 2024 - 10:25AM
Think I prefer the expression "nosh it Sherlock"!
Sherlock being my middle name.
Anyway, you make some great points! Well said!
sean1471 - 19 Jan, 2024 - 10:25AM
It depends on what you want, if you want to be exclusive , do so , if not be honest .
leggysheila - 19 Jan, 2024 - 08:37AM
Now it doesn't bother me if I see him still on line x lets face I'm on line as well XXX
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1326897 - 19 Jan, 2024 - 12:14AM
Wonder if she still has 2 IEs 4 years on
boav91 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 11:01PM
I think the reality on here it is bloody hard to meet the right person. You have no choice but to chat to a few people at the start but when it then begin to become clear you have a connection and if you meet and it works then you become exclusive.
Until that point the reality is you dont know if things will work but you have to be honest and upfront. IMO My current IE and I both met after our first dates with others did not work out. That is the reality of it. We both were cordial and chatting but had progressed further with others.
For both of us that first one did not work out roughly at the same time and we then clicked and decided to give it a go and were both upfront about it. Some will like that honesty and others not but until you find the right person this can be a crazy maze to navigate.
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Enigma.. - 18 Jan, 2024 - 08:07PM
My fav expression springs to mind “No sh1t Sherlock” lol.
So obvious, tedious and 🥱💤.
1494077 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 07:20PM
Enigma.. - 18 Jan, 2024 - 06:23PM
And it will actually be obvious. Even if it’s undeclared 😊
1601870 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 06:42PM
One at a time if you have a queue!! Do they know about each other ?? I’d be a bit pissed of myself but it’s always risky on here. . Some ladies don’t like it if the man they are seeing is still on line fishing for a better option. Dealing with real people here, try not to hurt too many . But good luck. A threesome isn’t on most buckets lists.. 😎😎😎😎😎
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Enigma.. - 18 Jan, 2024 - 06:23PM
If you are messaging more than one female and admit to doing so…
Be prepared to be ghosted or blocked.
Even worse… if you admit that you are meeting up with another female member and admit it AND the meet doesn’t work out… 😏.
Then attempt to crawl/creep back to the “second choice”…
The word’s “You had your chance and blew it” spring to mind.
Most females on this site will tell you that we don’t do second best. Never have done and never will do.
Some of us have standards.
And… you can go hide behind the curtain of eternal doom…
“Hidden profile. Status unknown”… 😂🙄😉😏😝.
Just my very honest, plain speaking and “Oh so true” observation’s of male behaviour on this site.
Ps… you’re welcome.
Pps… anyone with a sense of humour loss, takes exception to my post!?!
Frankly me /my dear’s… “Catherine Tate” style… “Am I bovered”… 😂😉😃😏💋
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