Should I keep my options open?
I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?
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Comments (132)
Doricles - 18 Jan, 2024 - 06:18PM
I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer to the question posed as it all depends on a person’s personal circumstances i.e. married, divorced, separated, widow, widower, single, other, and what kind of relationship they’re looking for e.g. exclusive or otherwise. But it takes two to tango so it equally depends on the other person’s personal circumstances and what their views are on exclusivity. We all have are own reasons for being here and at least some inkling about what it is we’re looking for. For many, that will take the form of a monogamous IE relationship, even though it’s outside of marriage and for a few, it might involve being someone’s Sugar Daddy, mistress or Findom: none of which necessarily confer exclusivity. Each to their own: live and let live. And if exclusivity works for both parties … then hey, why not! No one’s going to judge you because ideally, no one else will know 🤷🏻♂️
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Secret_fun2020 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 05:17PM
Be honest with them. An IE relationship which begins with dishonesty is likely to fail quite quickly
Paula99 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 04:19PM
Window shopping is perfectly acceptable but for those that are chatting to at least 3 women at the same time and winge about women taking time to answer when they are clearly multiple chatting..
Have the nerve to admit it instead of giving a lame excuse..😖
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Funguy77 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 03:37PM
Definitely agree keep those opinions open or at least try before you buy 😝 you might find that you can handle that extra attention x
WineAndOlives - 18 Jan, 2024 - 01:48PM
They've no right to ask you for that. Keep your powder dry.
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marklondonengland - 18 Jan, 2024 - 12:41PM
Why is there a problem in just speaking to them? Meet both of them then decide of you want to choose one of them or choose neither and keep your options open. It's pretty simple...
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1447655 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 11:40AM
Stop showing your cards and stop asking "how's it going for you on here?" Keep your cards to your chest! If someone asks just say "well I think it's going quite well with us actually, don't you?" You don't have to share everything. When you find something you see as valuable
then talk about exclusivity, at the right juncture, and get your hand out the chocolate box!
But it's worth noting that everyone wants or can give exclusivity, so maybe that's a convo for early doors. Life is complex and not all lives are straightforward.
1639246 - 18 Jan, 2024 - 10:36AM
I like the thought of exclusivity but wouldn’t really know if I had it until I got to know someone better. And I wouldn’t demand it (just secretly hope for it at some point down the line).
The next best thing to exclusivity is honesty.
If someone was honest about meeting others then I wouldn’t necessarily give up on them, as long as we were both enjoying the connection.
In a strange sort of way…..honesty with an IE should be more possible than with your own partner. Or maybe I’m just living in some sort of dreamworld….!
1389224 - 04 Jun, 2020 - 08:45AM
Its way to early to form any judgement you havent met either, just keep chatting to both its doing no harm ,if they become pushy on the issue bin then ,to needy.
gemini2310 - 30 May, 2020 - 05:45PM
Anyone can be saying that want exclusive to any number of people on here take some things with a pinch of salt how could we ever know really if we are someone's exclusive or visa versa
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