Should I keep my options open?
I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?
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Comments (132)
Lisaxoxo - 30 May, 2020 - 12:08PM
Even tho this site is what it is, people are looking for different types of connection.
Many of us can barely keep our relationship with one partner, nevertheless a partner and many lovers.
I like the exclusivity.
I like nurturing a new relationship.
If I just wanted to have sex, I could easily charge for it, but I crave also the intimacy and the excitement.
Saying that I would never bring it up before an intimate encounter.
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1382700 - 30 May, 2020 - 09:38AM
Take some time to look at profiles more carefully. Apart from the overtly sexual ones there are many which imply exclusivity. And when I’m contacted, very early on I’m asked how many women I’m chatting with. I believe most of us want one affair. What’s wrong with that?
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Mews0001 - 30 May, 2020 - 09:05AM
Really! They are both twats with unrealistic expectations at this stage.
Either ssy yes you will and keep them both going until you decide or dump them both and tell them why..
There are plenty of others willing to step into their shoes!
You could even go so far as meeting both of them and then decide. After all, words are just that. At this stage they are meaningless.
Actions count for soooo much more!
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Cest Rien - 30 May, 2020 - 05:26AM
I’m exclusive when someone, or invest lots of time in a particularly ong chat with an IE; because only have so much time quite apart from anything else!
gemini2310 - 29 May, 2020 - 09:26PM
Only 2 would imagine most are chatting to more and if someone has yet to find there IE then why not there's no rules to say not too just enjoy the banter then what will be will be
Angel123 - 28 May, 2020 - 11:06PM
Really? You have to ask?
I’d say bin them both and run for the hills, needy and demanding springs to mind!
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SurreyPaul - 27 May, 2020 - 09:02AM
Just **** them both.... then decide 🤷♂️
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Charlie10027 - 26 May, 2020 - 05:10PM
Keep in touch and speak to more. Until you meet and having something going, I wouldn't commit and it is unreasonable them expecting the same from you. So much can happen between now and then.
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Cocoplums27 - 26 May, 2020 - 04:16PM
They are desperate , which could make you very powerful... I should keep them both if it’s worth my while
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Dreamtime - 26 May, 2020 - 12:41PM
If anyone who haven't met asks to be exclusive then there is a, serious likelihood of them being insecure controlling or jealous or inexperienced. Or they sense you are desperate (irrespective of the truth).
Don't meet them.
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