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Did anybody else...

Did anybody else join IE because their partner cheated on them first? Originally I was bitter and mad, and wanted to get some sort of secret revenge. But now I kind of get it, the whole affair thing. I almost feel cheated that I had stayed faithful for 17 years, oh well, they do say that life begins in your 40's đŸ˜

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Comments (119)

1370351 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 12:20PM

My husband cheated but that's not the reason I'm here. I think I'm just greedy! Or like the variety of the spice of life.

I felt hurt and upset at the time when I discovered his infidelity but now I understand how getting attention elsewhere is an easy trap to fall into.

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Tiffany6075 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 12:14PM

Yeah I found out he had big secrets after our first child was born
He has never been very loving
And refused to have sex with me for years and moved himself out of our marital bed years ago
So my reason for cheating was revenge and loneliness

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1386174 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:45AM

We all have our reasons....
Arguably my other half is much nicer than me and I value those qualities in a domestic setting...
So it is not about revenge or bitterness, maybe just pursuit of something that provides escapism.... Guilty secrets...

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1365842 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:36AM

I will simply leave this quote here
"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

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MatureWorcsBBW - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:27AM

It's not about revenge for me and other women who feel like me.

It's more a case of "What's good enough for that gander is also good enough for this goose."

Focusing all of that sexual energy onto someone who certainly appreciates the effort you make is reward enough.

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1352608 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:17AM

Not every man is that stupid when it comes to women having affairs. I would never humiliate my husband but at the same time I would never had assumed he was being faithful!!
He was out till 12 midnight at least three times a week for at least 18 years he had affairs with women who could further his career nothing else

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1369031 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:07AM

Yes.. I still remember when it happened and from then on I thought Lets get ready to Rumble 😉

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1367807 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:06AM

I don't think having an affair for revenge is a particularly healthy way to deal with those feelings. If you have anger and resentment those issues could be addressed in a more sensible way.

I have affairs because I like sex and I want to. My husband has never cheated and will never find out that I cheat.

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Dejavous - 12 Jun, 2020 - 10:59AM

Didn't join because of cheating but because of the need to find someone who wants a relationship in which sex is a fundamental part of the enjoyment. When you are in a relationship where sex is not wanted by one party then it is inevitable that you will explore other avenues.

MatureWorcsBBW - 12 Jun, 2020 - 10:59AM


I totally agree with you.

Men think that THEIR wife is frigid and wants no sex whatsoever.
But maybe, just maybe the husband doesn't offer her the sex she needs and SHE'S the one having the secret affair.
I know so so many married women who have secret liason sex and the husbands would be so shocked and surprised.

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