Did anybody else...
Did anybody else join IE because their partner cheated on them first? Originally I was bitter and mad, and wanted to get some sort of secret revenge. But now I kind of get it, the whole affair thing. I almost feel cheated that I had stayed faithful for 17 years, oh well, they do say that life begins in your 40's 😝
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Comments (119)
1259339 - 01 Aug, 2020 - 11:10PM
I came on here to find my husband. Found him and then stayed on!
pkash78 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 04:13PM
My wife cheated on me 3 years ago .. but I haven’t been here for revenge.. we went for a period of counselling. But then everything broke doen again.. because of indifference mainly. .. she became cold.. I became indifferent .. life is busy.. and loads of other things just drifted us apart.. then I realised .. that may be monogamy isn’t the solution.. and we only do it to satisfy facade of society / family / finance under the institution of marriage.. and finally after sometime, I stumbled on IE.. which is great to find a community who understands..
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1386735 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 04:10PM
Seriously, that’s not cheating! I think you’re living in cuckoo land
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1323236 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 03:32PM
Define cheating? Having a sex with some one without other person knowing about it is not cheating or unfaithful. I do not tell my wife about every single person I meet every day at work and what we do to help each other. And all non sexual fun and laughter we can have in the process.
We give far too much attention to what is as natural as breathing is.
Making babies with out her knowing that would be cheating or worst, get into relationship and then confine person to your own limitations.
I think you did not think this question through.
Janice630 - 22 Jun, 2020 - 12:17AM
I never cheated because my partner wanted me to experience sex with another guy. As it turned out it was the best sex I'd ever had. The guy we chose together was so big and very experienced in turning me on. We both loved it so much we met a few times behind my partners back. Fantastic sex and I wish I could find this guy again.
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evalitor - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:06PM
Not for revenge but she did have an affair 5 years ago, then asked for an open marriage so I have no problems with meeting somebody and still keep my home life intact.
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WaitingtobeFound - 15 Jun, 2020 - 04:59AM
Didn't do it for revenge but my oh wanted to swing when I didn't. He changed his mind having tried to persuade me for months. I carried on, not swinging but looking for something outside of the marital relationship.
When I met my present oh I was a widow and in retrospect the marriage was a mistake as I had hoped to replicate what I had in the previous marriage. However having a lovely outside interest makes the marriage better as in more bearable.
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ExoticOrchid - 14 Jun, 2020 - 06:11PM
Nope … only joined after divorce as I didn't want another husband.
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1328828 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 12:28PM
Hardly fair to your IE if you’re just using them as a revenge shag. I wish my husband would have an affair for both our sakes!
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BucksMan72 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 10:10PM
No. Just want to meet a hot temptress for excitement and sexy time!! 😜
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