Did anybody else...
Did anybody else join IE because their partner cheated on them first? Originally I was bitter and mad, and wanted to get some sort of secret revenge. But now I kind of get it, the whole affair thing. I almost feel cheated that I had stayed faithful for 17 years, oh well, they do say that life begins in your 40's 😝
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Comments (119)
1387952 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 09:29PM
Sportster1200L - 12 Jun, 2020 - 07:07PM
In hindsight, I think I should never have married. I should've stuck to having several boyfriends and a housekeeper...
I'm on my second marriage, clearly I didn't think this soon enough 🙈
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1390093 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 08:55PM
Wow ! Omg ....no way !
If you have any sort of revenge feelings towards your partner it’s time to get divorce in my opinion 🥰
I just don’t believe humans are born or meant to be monogamous! In love / partnership life goals maybe ... but never sexually lol
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1383025 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 08:34PM
Nope. I’m just bored of being friends and want the fun back again
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gemini2310 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 08:31PM
No I didn't join because of that myself and hubby live together as friends and will stay together we would never wish to hurt our daughter also I would never wish to hurt him it's my secret being on here but one needs affection with total discretion without anyone getting hurt or to involved
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1392343 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 07:29PM
No. But I wish I did, it would make things a lot easier!
1117169 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 07:07PM
It has been said that men should never marry but have a housekeeper and a girlfriend/s
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Chezley - 12 Jun, 2020 - 06:48PM
I was already using dating agencies when I met her. I dropped the others and romanced with wifey. There was the occasional dalliance with old flames. There wasn't time in the baby years. But picked up cheating again 15 years or so ago. Gets to be swings and roundabouts as lovers come and go.
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1374756 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 06:36PM
I did.....
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1350989 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 03:41PM
I can’t really say I’m cheating as I’m not married however still live together but as friends, I just don’t want to go without having the intermacy and the butterflies, just not with him anymore
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