The 'go to' friend
Does anyone else have a 'go to' friend they always name drop when seeing their IE lol? My partner thinks Debra from accounting has become my best friend in the world now 🙈😇😆
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Comments (76)
Here we go 693 - 19 Jan, 2025 - 09:04AM
As some of you may have read in other parts of the forum, my IE and I split after a year. I was bereft and couldn't talk to anyone about it. It was so hard. I rejoined the site and as Paula99 has said below, if have me somewhere to air my laundry. I did get support (thanks Paula) and other views. It really helped, but having someone outside of here to talk to would be so unfair on them.
Clickable Connection - 18 Jan, 2025 - 02:04PM
Totally agree with what most folks have already said.
There really is no need to tell or confide in others - its not fair on them, as inevitable they will have to lie for you - which isn't fair - or they will use it against you if you fall out.
I understand it can seem like a lonely place to navigate - and talking to others is helpful without a doubt. I for one have made some amazing friends through this journey, and I only talk to them about my IE encounters - no one else.
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Paula99 - 18 Jan, 2025 - 07:54AM
I have made lots of comments about this particular ‘ subject matter’…
In fairness you lead an oddly remote relationship with your IE and having no one to support you is a big thing …It’s hard navigating a normal relationship without someone to chat with..this is why I like the chat based forum can get others opinions and you don’t feel ‘so alone’ (figure of speech) in your affair… can make IE friends and discuss your affairs together …these should be your ‘go to friends’ and the only ones …if you refer back to the story of HS24 that was a real life event with bridges that can never be rebuilt….the only person that should know is you and the person in your head…involving others and asking them to ‘keep secrets’ for you is wrong no matter how strong you think your friendship is…
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naughtynisha - 18 Jan, 2025 - 12:27AM
Why would anyone do that? Loose lips sink ships. Keep it between you and your IE. Period.
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FlirtFinder - 17 Jan, 2025 - 11:31PM
I'll 100% keep it between myself and my partner in crime.
I just can't trust anybody with that kind of information; it could be used against you if a third party fell out with you..
It's also nice that you and your IE are the only two people in the world know your secret.
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HotMess2025 - 17 Jan, 2025 - 10:25PM
Agreed, dont involve anybody else and keep it simple, the more elaborate the more likely it is to go wrong. Get to a position you can flex your diary and a simple I'm in the office tomorrow
1720022 - 17 Jan, 2025 - 07:24PM
Best thing is to say nothing to anyone and don’t involve anyone but your partner in crime
rarity23 - 17 Jan, 2025 - 01:44PM
I definitely wouldn't involve friends, or work colleagues in my alibi when seeing an IE
Far safer to be creative on your own !
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marklondonengland - 17 Jan, 2025 - 12:35PM
Not sure why the lol is appropriate when this is just about the worst advice ever...
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