The 'go to' friend
Does anyone else have a 'go to' friend they always name drop when seeing their IE lol? My partner thinks Debra from accounting has become my best friend in the world now 🙈😇😆
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Comments (74)
1328828 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 09:16AM
My best friend is also on here so we are each other’s alibi’s!
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1386735 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 08:52AM
Mine is Carol, she’s very needy and needs a lot of told, hence why I see her a lot.
But then again I have a real IE friend that I also use as a name drop. The other half has actually met her so it works really well.
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1367807 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 08:37AM
Hahaha yes! I've been going for a lot of long walks with my boss recently 😂
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