All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
gemini2310 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 07:08PM
I only want a meaningful relationship was very lucky to have a lovely affair it just depends what your seeking some want exclusive some proberly do not but it can take time just choose the right one that suits you
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1117169 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 07:07PM
Oh yes, definitely.
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Secretaccomplice4u - 06 Aug, 2020 - 07:00PM
"Is there anyone on here looking for more than a fling?"
Yes. I'm guessing lots of men.
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1401670 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 06:32PM
Is there anyone on here looking for more than a fling? I find it hard, as a married woman to look for more than just a fling on any site as they are either for single or married looking for affairs.
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gemini2310 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 04:54PM
I don't regard it as fun it's just adds to my life and something that's missing at home needs to add to my life without anyone getting hurt for as long as it lasts
keepitup24 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 04:54PM
Surely asking this question on this particular web site is going to slant the answers in one particular direction? A self-selecting sample, if I can be boring and technical for a minute.
Anyway, I do (I guess obviously) and I know that more people do than is generally portrayed in everyday life. Deep down there's a little polyamory in most of us, probably spending most of its time fighting the little green jealousy monster that abides in most of us too.
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gemini2310 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 03:48PM
Agree with Jade2020
But some can get too involved then one has to walk away I am finding it really hard to find a guy has to be alot of attraction and not just looks especially to want to start an affair with but I'm sure he's here somewhere
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Officer1198 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 03:18PM
No relationship is ever always completely fulfilling.
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