All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
Cathynut - 14 Aug, 2020 - 11:58AM
I'd agree, you must get so bored with the same person! How repetitive!
1303634 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 01:02PM
I couldn’t agree more
1401704 - 08 Aug, 2020 - 11:31AM
Humans were not meant to be monogamous’s a religious and social construct .
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Maria Jones - 07 Aug, 2020 - 11:59AM
everyone cheats and everyone lies about it. it's who we are.
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Th3on3 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 09:48PM
My partner drinks and is happy with the life we have. Me on the other hand I want more from life. I work hard and feel I deserve to have happiness in my life. I’m looking for an IE to give me that happiness I so badly crave. What I wouldn’t do to go out for a drink with a special person without the worry of her turning into a abusive drunk.
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Mr Handy - 06 Aug, 2020 - 09:44PM
Its always hard tough decision to make my journey to this site has had lots of twists , but happy to have landed and looking forward to the future .
I very much looking forward to sharing some amazing times .
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Mr Handy - 06 Aug, 2020 - 09:44PM
Its always hard tough decision to make my journey to this site has had lots of twists , but happy to have landed and looking forward to the future .
I very much looking forward to sharing some amazing times .
Mr Handy - 06 Aug, 2020 - 09:41PM
Its always hard tough decision to make my journey to this site has had lots of twists , but happy to have landed and looking forward to the future .
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1379354 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 08:14PM
I think it depends on the person, there circumstances and time of year...personally I never thought about cheating on my wife until recently! (Just joined) as I had a good marriage! An operation Killed our sex life so here I am! I’m looking for someone to Get to know, trust, and meet regularly for whatever it brings us! I know lots of people who cheat but for different reasons!
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Dejavous - 06 Aug, 2020 - 07:14PM
I think the premise of the question is wrong. It's not about cheating its about two people finding more fulfilment in life than they do with their spouses. If they do this discretely without hurting others then it does more good than harm. The only people cheating are those posting false profiles with no intention of ever meeting anyone!
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