All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
Emily737 - 18 Aug, 2021 - 08:33AM
I don't understand why people go into closed relationships knowing they can't be with one partner, hello Open Relationships??
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Polycarbonate - 17 Aug, 2021 - 10:57PM
To me cheating involves continuing sex with your primary partner, whilst carrying on with another sexual partner. Which involves a lot of lies,deceit etc.
It's hardly cheating if your sex life is more or less finished with your spouse.
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1469669 - 17 Aug, 2021 - 09:00PM
SJC1970- he is cheating on his wife. You have on your profile that you are separated. Are you hoping he will leave his wife for you? Because the way you worded your comment makes me think that that is what you are hoping for. Some people may hope for that on here, but most don't.
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1207759 - 17 Aug, 2021 - 03:49PM
Society has changed
You no longer wait to receive a flirtatious glance across a crowded bar. It can all be done from the comfort of your own sofa right uo to the point of meeting. Bottom line is that access is greater via the internet so cheating has become more prevalent
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1469658 - 17 Aug, 2021 - 09:09AM
I think alot of people out there are stuck in relationships for a variety of reasons. Some don't necessarily want to change anything and prefer the stability and security . Things do get mundane and the chance to have some excitement and attention is why people turn to others.
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Muslim Wife - 17 Aug, 2021 - 09:07AM
yeah I think it's far more common than people think. I think the moment you cheat the first time, it just opens up a door for the future.
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1405397 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 08:54AM
I think a lot of people think about an Illicit affair but that where it stays in their most secret of places their thoughts. I have decided to act on it. I really don't want to live with regrets. To be honest I am pretty sure we were ever meant to be with just one person for a prolonged period.
I think society makes us think that we should and we go along with it as most cannot live with the guilt. I have seen too many older couples staying together for what I think are all the wrong reasons. Having an affair is not is not the worse thing a human can do in actual fact it makes them human ....
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Hamilton461 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 03:41PM
Always cheated but IE makes it easier and less risky so more people do....
Awordsmith - 14 Aug, 2020 - 03:36PM
I think the propensity to cheat has risen exponentially because life expectancy has risen dramatically and women are also far less economically dependent on their spouses therefore more able and willing to take risks! also in Victorian times there was no place to hide and the consequences of being caught were catastrophic!
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1392795 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 12:17PM
I think after a while of marriage you just want to experience that excitement of being touched for the first time. The butterflies etc. That’s what I want.
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