All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
Confuseddotcom - 01 Apr, 2023 - 04:58PM
I didn't think that I would cheat - yet here I am right on the edge!
idealies - 01 Apr, 2023 - 04:23PM
Clearly hadn't thought through the next step. Ok on the querty but not the flirty.
idealies - 01 Apr, 2023 - 04:21PM
Clearly hadn't thought through the next step.
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FluffyClouds - 01 Apr, 2023 - 03:21PM
Legs&Eyes -
If he was genuinely so far away from home, why the overthinking on the paranoia? You can't help some people. I always rather the man choose the destination of the first meet, I just tell them where I won't go.
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Delicious Chaos - 01 Apr, 2023 - 03:19PM
Yep dodged a bullet there.
Like I’ve said before he sounds a browser with no clue
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Legs&Eyes - 01 Apr, 2023 - 02:45PM
Had a first meet recently, hotel bar, he agreed to the venue.
During the convo - he was some considerable way from home - he looked up into the distance and said 'what if my daughter came in now to meet a friend... what if my son came in to join the gym - what would I say... what if a colleague walked in and saw me with you, I would have to say we are meeting for professional reasons......'
His thoughts drifted him off into the distance - I sat staring at him speechless! Sucking on my straw!
As we left, he walked 3 feet in front of me, turned outside the front door and said 'lovely to meet you. Ill message later'... He turned and walked to his car.
No contact, no hug (Id hug the postman!) definitely no touch whatsoever (My profile talks about touch and tactile behaviour!)...
He messaged to say 'cant wait till we are alone in a bedroom'..
NOT LIKELY BABE! Left me totally and utterly cold with his paranoia.. He's active this week on here, perhaps the next lady will like that approach....
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FluffyClouds - 01 Apr, 2023 - 01:58PM
Circe -
It grinds you down very quickly. Sucks all the fun and life out of it.
laugar164 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 01:09PM
It does take a particular person to enter into an affair and. De compartment there other life
1590175 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 12:22PM
I met someone here once who was a total newbie. Everywhere we went he thought his wife was going to jump out of the woodwork, or I'd come back from the toilet and he'd just left and was waiting outside "thinking" he "may" have just seen someone from his wife's work!
I couldn't take it anymore. I nearly lost the will to live and I don't think he dipped his toe (or anything else) into the Affair Pond again.
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laugar164 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 12:15PM
I agree if you're going to cheat you need to understand the consequences and so does your partner
You both needs to set boundaries to make sure you are going to have a successful hot affair whilst maintaining a normal everyday life. Not everyone understands this
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