All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 12:14PM
Why use France as an example ??
At one time France had the highest divorce rate in Europe so how is that healthy ?..
It’s a good job the boundary’s of marriage are tight ..we do need structure to survive 😊
Delicious Chaos - 01 Apr, 2023 - 11:57AM
I don’t think everyone cheats. I have quite a few married friends who are so loved up it’s sickening 😁
My motto is if you’re going to cheat, do it properly. 😏 a lot of Saturday browsers today who really have no clue what they are doing
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danab1032 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 11:54AM
Cheating has always existed; just look at France or Italy where outside marriage lovers are so common. Framing it as cheating is the problem, I genuinely think that if the boundaries of marriage were a little looser we would have a better healthier society ….. where you could be swept off your feet without guilt ..
Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 10:50AM
LG …
That’s how I feel about the age is just a number thing ..they keep dragging it from the archive and it’s total waste of time 🥱
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Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 10:46AM
Every generation thinks they invented it ..but it’s been going on for time in memorial ..especially in the middle class where it’ was widely accepted to ‘take a lover ‘ ..
In the forces the’ wives’ would put up signs in the windows ..there are countless examples of where it would happen ..the police force was riddled with’s been going on under our noses for years but we didnt think about it as we do today ..
We have easier access now with the internet but incurably we are swiping to the right more than we should and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a partner …
Another reason is we think we are entitled to cheat because we can …more guys are concerned about their lack of intimacy/sex than ever whereas in my years growing up the generation just accepted that they didn’t have as much personal contact with their partners because that was how it was..bringing up your family was the main course..
So what is next ?
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1447655 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 10:16AM
Nostalgic lockdown thread from 2020? Did Admin bump this up like fish food for the tank?! Ah well...New cast, new dialogue, I guess?
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1100888 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 09:58AM
Let 's take a site like IE out of the equation and think about the real world.
How many times have we had a moment with someone else, eyes met heart thumping and you just know it"s mutual, that is how often affairs could happen.
When I was growing up in the 70s/80s people seemed to get divorced all the time, I don't see that as much these days (in my circles that is).
Because the internet exists, it is so much easier to have an affair and keep it hidden.
To clicks on your phone, hotel booked, no paper trail when you home phone bill comes in with every call itemised. Finding an IE so much easier you no longer have to leave it to chance and can plan ahead.
Sometimes I think the French have the right attitude, where it is almost expected
1460472 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 09:21AM
I think in this day and age its hard not to cheat its almost encouraged in things we watch, read and see and temptation is everywhere. Internet, social media and messaging apps have changed the game making it easier to setup and get away with it even if we leave more evidence as a result. Having been married cheated separated and carried on seeing married/coupled women I believe life is too short we only get one so why shouldn't we explore other people? There are some circumstances where people are just looking for sex as it's no longer available in their relationship others who are curious and some who are just greedy or want more.
A word of warning though if you're on here and it's so easy to cheat and the spice is gone whats to say your partner isn't feeling the same way and isn't here too? You've managed to cover it up enough they could be doing the same thing!
1554570 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 09:11AM
I think cheating is more common than more common than some ppl think, and it’s actually more common for women to seek longer term relationships when married then men
I think men might seek out casual sex, but I think that women like to enjoy the stability of a home life , while seeking some extra long term excitement, I also believe that the rise in Poly and open relationships is driven by women in most circumstances
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Clangerb1505 - 08 Oct, 2021 - 12:24AM
I recall my dad saying that there is women for wedding and there’s women for bedding.. a lot of people of both sexes (before any remarks are made please!) are happy with their coupledom and somehow are happy with their hobbies, work, etc and the dreaded S word is not ever thought about. I’ve experienced this on several occasions sadly and not just in my latter years.. it’s just not important to them. Something nice on the odd occasion if someone mentions it like a trip to the cinema.. for others like me life is about sex and intimacy and the rest of life revolves around that fixed point.. the two opposing sides don’t get it .. literally! I have been called obsessed, told to grow up and various other things I couldn’t possibly repeat in mixed company 🤫 just because I want to do what should come naturally.. but somehow doesn’t.. in my case there are menopausal factors to consider.. having discussed it with my partner it seems that any desire or thoughts on the matter have been completely exp
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