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All people cheat, sooner or later

Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.

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Comments (182)

1459408 - 05 Sep, 2021 - 11:40AM

Yep not only did I run out of stage beardandsandals I also fell off the stage and broke my parchment in half thankfully I had some bondage type that I could use to type it up and it should be in good working order very soon!!!! So again as Shakespeare wrote hundreds of years ago friends Romans countrymen lend me your sex toys I cum to pressurise you not to bore you

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1472880 - 02 Sep, 2021 - 01:52PM

A lot of people don’t get the chance to cheat or cheat with someone they would like to cheat with

Bereweeke - 02 Sep, 2021 - 11:27AM

No, more people do not cheat. Cheating is just easier now due to technology. Plus financial independence for women. Poor Anne Boleyn.

Beardandsandals - 02 Sep, 2021 - 08:31AM

Looks like Zippedup ran out of stage during that soliloquy.

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1459408 - 01 Sep, 2021 - 11:48PM

Ladies and gentlemen In the blue corner we have the hope and the want of having a fulfilling marriage in every way shape and form But in the red corner We have the realism that when it comes to the sexual part of the marriage it’s not going to happen and it’s not for the want of trying ? When it comes to sex the human mind as well as the body craves excitement! lust! Stimulation! and the not knowing! So then who gets hurt in the Blue corner not us we are hopefully enjoying ourselves in the red corner ? No it’s our partner who we must protect from any hurt and punishment And if we can do that successfully then we can justify our cheating? Illicit affairs are now happening more often than ever before and the thing is people are not surprised about it anymore In years to come if it’s not already happening now it will become quite acceptable for both partners of a marriage or relationship to be involved in various types of affairs So as Shakespeare wrote in As you like it let the nourishmen

Polycarbonate - 31 Aug, 2021 - 02:40PM

Men mess up their lives for the sake of a fling.

Women give birth, and at least 10, and as much as 30 per cent are not the offspring of the husband.

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Chris 14093 - 28 Aug, 2021 - 10:06AM

I believe all men cheat, not all women though.

1117169 - 28 Aug, 2021 - 09:20AM

Nature has programmed humans to want to have children by multiple partners because that ensures a vigourous reproduction rate and thereby ensures the survival of the species and the improvement of its gene pool.

The Church is responsible for imposing monogamy via a moral code as it is one of the ways it controls its bretheren and it enforces it by moral censure.

The State colludes with The Church because monogamy makes society more governable because small contained family units have less demands on resources and tend to be more self sufficient and self regulating.

A society where everyone followed their natural instincts and bred without restraint or regard to the consequences would remain primitive and chaotic.

Birth control, however, facilitates polygamy without consequences which is arguably the best basis for society as it allows humans to follow their natural instincts without the negative consequences. The moral code imposed by The Church still lingers however, hence the lingering guilt f

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1411163 - 28 Aug, 2021 - 12:40AM

It really is!!!

1467074 - 27 Aug, 2021 - 06:26AM

I would imagine most people think about it even if they don't act on it, but I reckon the number of those who do act is surprisingly large. It's only natural. We don't stop finding people attractive or having feelings of lust just because we get into a relationship or marriage. Maybe at first when everything is wild and new but familiarity always creeps in sooner or later.

The exciting part about an affair (or at least what I imagine since I haven't had one yet) is that the familiarity is kept somewhat at bay by the very situation. Time together and conversation is limited and therefore pure escapism when it happens. That's quite addictive.

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