How often should I expect to see my IE?
I'm just wondering how Iwoukd respond if my IE only wants to meet once a
month? I'm hoping it'll be at least once a week, given the constraints of
matching timetables. But , for me, once a month would not be enough.
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Comments (102)
Mysterious 3.0 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 12:48PM
Expectations and parameters would surely be part of the discussion in initial meets with a reasonable plan formed early on if the decision of both parties is to take things further....
I realise that might be too sensible a view for some but I can't see recklessness promoting a successful affair....
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1100888 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 12:39PM
It so depends on circumstances. If one of you doesn't go to work and has plenty of free time and the other one works, time is going to be short. If you have different work patterns again finding those times you can be together is quite hard.
Excuses at home can quickly dry up. You may say you are going to the gym regularly but if your physical appearance does not change suspicion will be raised, what if your partner suddenly wants to join you?
Take it as comes, meet too regularly it can become routine. Think how your relationship started with your partner. Probably at each other like rabbits at the beginning then got less and less.
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Polycarbonate - 03 Aug, 2020 - 11:57AM
With one neglected marriage under my belt,I don't want to do the same again with an ie. Time and arrangements need to be structured and adhered too. It should be at least once a week. A consistent part of ones life.
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Secretaccomplice4u - 03 Aug, 2020 - 11:29AM
Depends on how long you need for your body to recover.
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1320953 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 11:14AM
The thing is expectation and reality are never going to match. People have lives and commitments outside of any relationship that comes about from IE.
I also feel some people don’t have the disposable income that would be required to meet once a week. I think some need a reality check with their wants , desires and the real world.
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Th3on3 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 11:00AM
Depends on distance too doesn’t it. I had been seeing my IE who was based 100miles away, that travelling time made the meets less frequent as time away from home was harder to make an excuse for.
1366991 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 10:56AM
It’s difficult to keep to a timescale in this situation so I’d say you need to be flexible. My last lover was every week but some times we had to be apart for 6 weeks at a time. Give it a try and see how it works but be clear with the other person
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1400835 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 10:39AM
Actually I would suggest talking to them about it rather than ultimatums. When I first started seeing someone on here it was like once every 6 weeks but on reflection it was down to nervousness and uncertainty about 'protocol'. Once I got past that it our relationship improved and became every couple of weeks, but it was because we talked. Best of luck.
1387952 - 03 Aug, 2020 - 10:02AM
From the outset I tell the guy I'd like to meet up 2 or 3 times a month.
I tell them that if they're only available once a month, that's fine, but I can't promise exclusivity if that's what they're after.
So many guys saying they're just after one woman to build a connection with but then say they're only available once a month... Well, what happens if I can't make that particular date, it'll end up being a case of meeting once in 2 months? Is there really any point?!
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