How often should I expect to see my IE?
I'm just wondering how Iwoukd respond if my IE only wants to meet once a
month? I'm hoping it'll be at least once a week, given the constraints of
matching timetables. But , for me, once a month would not be enough.
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Comments (102)
1404489 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 10:28AM
Personally once a month suits my diary and I can usually manage to arrange this in advance. Weekly meets arouse too much suspicion in my experience. This also depends on how close you live to each other, travelling time can be an issue.
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1394019 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 10:32AM
There’s no blanket right or wrong answer to this. It’s what works for you both.
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1265724 - 20 Aug, 2020 - 12:48AM
It’s good to know what you want so your expectations are in order. How often you meet often evolves... depending on chemistry, connection, intensity and of course availability. Meeting once a month could be great if it’s intense, exciting and sexually fulfilling in a way that you feel sustained. I personally have a high arc drive so once a month would probably not satisfy me, but you never know 😊
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ClassyLady77 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 06:39AM
😂 You’ve got to much time on your hands..
Once a month is all I want, it’s hard enough trying to find calendar that match for that, let alone any more 😂
Once a month I can easily get away with..
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1117169 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 07:27PM
Here is some traditional advice
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Out of sight, out of mind
Familiarity breeds contempt
Has that made things a lot clearer 😉
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Wingandprayer - 16 Aug, 2020 - 08:22PM
As long as expectations are agreed at the onset both ie s have the opportunity to agree on frequency. Obviously circumstances can change and then a frank discussion needs to be had. Nothing is worse than infrequent meets as the chemistry will fade
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1332870 - 16 Aug, 2020 - 06:14PM
There's no one answer. It depends how often you want to see your IE and how many times your IE wants to see you.
If you can't agree or compromise on that basic thing, then it probably won't work out
hot sunshine - 16 Aug, 2020 - 06:04PM
I used to meet weekly with my first affair, but sometimes it was just for a coffee, or lunch. The last one I had was monthly but that through no fault of ours, lots of stuff from his side got in the way, family death, marriage break down, 2 lots of hospitalisation for him, then add lockdown into the mix. 9 times in 12 months I saw him. I like an old fashioned affair where it is about friendship as well as sex. I think once a week if you can both do it is great, on ceca month is not enough for me, so once a fortnight is quite realistic. But again it depends on your circumstances, and what you want from an affair
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Seedoo610 - 16 Aug, 2020 - 04:23PM
It can be difficult if locations are some distance apart , but I found illicit mobile contact was somewhat exciting ,and added an interesting twist !
ExoticOrchid - 16 Aug, 2020 - 04:07PM
Sportster1200L - 16 Aug, 2020 - 11:56AM
There must be a black market ...
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