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Let one's hair down

Full disclosure: I am genuinely a much happier person to be around since having an affair. I've laughed harder, and been more playful then I have in the last decade. Thanks IE for helping me let my hair down. 
Can anyone relate?

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Comments (158)

Tall man58 - 09 Sep, 2021 - 07:51PM

Only had one affair but it did change me l was a lot happier just enjoyed getting attention and affection for a change

1457849 - 20 Aug, 2021 - 05:18PM

Amazing what feeling wanted can do for your confidence... I'm far happier.

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1459408 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 12:25PM

Of course it makes you feel good / happy a more rounded and agreeable person? being desired and wanted for physical !and mind sex ! and all the stuff leading up to it is a great and very strong aphrodisiac
As truth and logic puts it and so will (A good seeing to does us all the world of good) BUT and there has to be a but please don’t let love sneak in by the rear entrance. (if that’s your thing) because love has a habit of complicating things especially on a site like IE . So I say respectfully to Delphina However much it may hurt walk away. love is a complication too much we’re not here for that? By all means like and care and respect your IE but its best to avoid love on here and the upset and hurt it could cause others as well as yourself So if Cupid is pointing his bow and arrow at you on IE snap it off immediately a flaccid Cupid won’t harm anybody

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markymarkmark7 - 05 Aug, 2021 - 07:47PM

Yes agree totally, laughing and smiling makes the world go round and makes it a much better place for everyone. Attraction and that great feeling about someone means everything

Delphina - 04 Aug, 2021 - 10:50PM

Yes, I totally agree, Im much happier now I hv an encounter, the problem is; he doesnt want any emotional entanglement 😩 so he is not relaxed, and I can tell he is holding back on the fear of falling in Love, which makes me uneasy as well as I have to think before I do or say anything incase he miss interprets me falling for him, (its not a good place to be), but we really get on well and we like each other alot, been together for just over 6 Months, heeeeelp 😩🤔

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truth and logic - 04 Aug, 2021 - 07:06AM

I feel sexier and more inner peace(i know a good seeing to will do that)but i feel better about myself. Hubby would not notice but i do and thats what matters.

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Niceguy6770 - 03 Aug, 2021 - 10:24PM

I am much happier when in an affair yes

1320953 - 03 Aug, 2021 - 09:37AM

How lovely that you feel so happy but be careful with the difference you are obviously showing , it can be a problem . If you’re too happy , too chipper especially after a date it , maybe tone it down or it will arouse suspicion as to why the change .

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1389672 - 29 Oct, 2020 - 05:38PM

A man/woman really shouldn’t be the source of your happiness.

I’ve been there, and to be totally honest, I realised after all the highs and lows, that living yourself first is the key to finding the right person.

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Nic70 - 29 Oct, 2020 - 05:16PM

He he - yes, I did smile a lot during mine which caused folk who knew me to ask ‘what was wrong’. Fulfilment as @ a bed of roses mentioned. Separate worlds which need not collide. Although finished - another casualty of Covid - the warm glow persists.

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