To Clown or Not to Clown?
What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest 🙂
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Comments (190)
Wanderlust134 - 28 Sep, 2020 - 01:29AM
Something genuine.
But I agree - so hard to get right. Some guys get it spot on. Others... not so much. Same is probably true of mine.
I like the profiles that have made me smile. Been a bit different. But also the sweet ones.
Getting the balance right. So hard.
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807266 - 28 Sep, 2020 - 01:03AM
Always a witty profile, as long as it's genuine and not forced or false.
Jake Jekyll - 27 Sep, 2020 - 11:39PM
Genuine and serious has its place but your profile on this site is your CV for fun! Job CV's can be serious, if you insist, but fun CV's, well, guess what ... they must be FUN!!
Just don't tell any porkies, that's a bit daft. Remember you are putting yourself in the shop window. Present your credentials with a smile. He/she isn't looking for an undertaker!
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1403616 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 10:34PM
Does it really matter? Just as long as the two people can get along and have some fun along the way, would be nice to actually meet someone and remove myself from this site, there are some nice people here and plenty of superficial people just wish Romeo would hurry up!
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1399985 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 02:06PM
@caringlover123 I don't think you will find people here being particularly judgemental or nasty, but you will nevertheless need a reasonably thick skin just like everyone else. I think the majority of members will at some time have had a "thanks but you're not my type" message after swapping pictures, or the conversation has just stopped entirely. So if that does happen to you, don't presume it's disability related, it happens to us all.
The only other thing you might struggle with here is finding a bored housewife 😆 I can't speak for everyone of course, but all the other ladies I've spoken to who are members have jobs rather than being housewives.
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CroydonCentaur - 27 Sep, 2020 - 01:50PM
Tongue in cheek is my default approach,
How can you take this entire Site or Dynamic any other way?
It's an artificial lens, a goldfish bowl of the world wide weird and a platform for flirty encounters hence the name, whether they last 18 hours or 18 months. (Either is fine & great.)
Wit is actually something a little sophisticated, - and personal;
-thinking on your feet, being flirtatious and funny, but not over the top? Sometimes you 'll turn someone on, but other times, firmly off!
Either way, keep smiling, -and flirting.
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caringlover123 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 01:44PM
Hey guys.
Totally new here, so please go easy on me.
Be honest, but is this the wrong place for people with physical appearance/disabilities? Just wanna have a bit of a laugh with a bored housewife and cheer her up. I'm not someone who's simply looking for XXX and prefer the opposite to agree first before taking it to the next stage. I like to have a good debates and learn from others. But I don't want anyone being judgemental or nasty.
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1410370 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 01:00PM
A good sense of humour is a must!. Life's too short to be boring and serious x
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