To Clown or Not to Clown?
What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest 🙂
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Comments (190)
1278875 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 10:58AM
If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun. Be bold and be yourself!!
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PecanPie - 27 Sep, 2020 - 09:03AM
A blend but In moderation please.”Read the room“ and gauge the context..
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1299926 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 12:51AM
I believe they're both equally important, so a good mix of both is most definitely a winner for me!
1365082 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 12:05PM
It depends what the woman is looking for, personally I’m looking for someone intelligent witty with a sense of humour and I enjoy some flirty banter. So I like a well written profile definitely with a bit of humour.
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Your Sexy Woman - 22 Sep, 2020 - 09:01PM
Authentic is the best way ... open, honest
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Ally1001 - 19 Sep, 2020 - 10:04AM
As you dont actually know who your comment is going to, and being a woman, she will try to keep her real personality her secret till you accidentally find out what she likes. So till then even she does not know the best way to get her attention, so try them all.
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1386735 - 19 Sep, 2020 - 09:02AM
I’ve tried dead serious ones, sarcastic ones, sexy ones, and all always get the same response...which is very poor. Still looking.....
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1389672 - 18 Sep, 2020 - 01:30AM
If you give me $2000 I can share with you a profile that works 100% of the time. Guaranteed!
(Just kidding)... Who the hell knows what women want, when most of them have no idea themselves???
It’s just the 100 slaps rule buddy... You’ll get 100 slaps before you get a taker.... so just be bold and keep going!
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