To Clown or Not to Clown?
What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest đŸ™‚
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Comments (190)
gemini2310 - 17 Sep, 2020 - 04:15PM
I like a honest profile alot are not there's time for laughing and fun later someone's true personality comes out when chatting and may carry on when you actually meet them but not always you can build a picture in your mind but most times it's totally different when you meet them
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ClassyLady77 - 17 Sep, 2020 - 03:42PM
Funny, something that’ll make me want to send a message...
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732384 - 17 Sep, 2020 - 02:06PM
So a spiderman fan joins a website, oh no bad joke,
Truth is what you see in a profile reflects how you look at yourself, what someone else sees is another thing.
Its the following conversation you have that moves you to the dark side, the serious stuff.
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Dontfunkwithmyheart - 17 Sep, 2020 - 01:28PM
I like the genuine profiles better or if you can call them genuine. Genuine before they do a Houdini on you can be talking to someone for weeks and then Houdini strikes. True story!
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Chezley - 17 Sep, 2020 - 12:58PM
For that matter one may as well look at the profile name and assess that. Do the name and the subsequent description have any correlation. Quite often neither supports the other.
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1393321 - 17 Sep, 2020 - 12:15PM
A funny profile does attract me. However, I read one once where the man started ok but then took the micky out of female members...I did not like that. Self effacing humour is ok but less is more because if he really denegrates himself it is not attractive either.
So humour is like seasoning, too much salt and pepper will ruin a dish but a little will bring out the flavours.
But definitely write your profile from your heart.
Men's comments on this forum really interest me too, and add authenticity to their profiles.
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ExoticOrchid - 17 Sep, 2020 - 11:48AM
I like both ... depends on how it's written.
Besides, there is a difference between wit and humour.
I agree with Devon Pixie.
1399985 - 17 Sep, 2020 - 11:42AM
@Cherry_X I totally agree! What even is a bubbly lady supposed to be? To me it reads like "my wife nags me so I want a woman who is overwhelmingly positive all the time and never complains" they want a cheerleader not an affair.
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