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To Clown or Not to Clown?

What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest ðŸ™‚

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Comments (190)

Goodkitty - 19 Apr, 2022 - 12:15PM

I think a truthful profile is helpful. Saying you are ten years younger or a sliding scale age is not good.

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1382700 - 19 Apr, 2022 - 10:25AM


My spelling is impeccable - does not get me a date though, let alone get laid

1382700 - 19 Apr, 2022 - 10:23AM

Neither seems to reap rewards but I guess a mix of both

truth and logic - 19 Apr, 2022 - 10:21AM

Be truthful about yourself, openminded about what you want(be set a few highlights) and try to be light hearted about it. Easier said then done, but just remember some people sell for a living , others have huge Egos and others not so much, a profile needs to make people want to know more, not be a CV

Retiredgentlondon - 04 Nov, 2021 - 05:38PM

I would love to be able to write a witty profile. I would say about 1-2% of men’s profiles (and fewer of women profiles) are so incredibly witty that I’ve read them several times …

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ExoticOrchid - 04 Nov, 2021 - 05:30PM

Sanosatr - 05:22PM

Actually you can ... there are a few (very few) profiles/first messages which are very witty/funny.

Sanosatr - 04 Nov, 2021 - 05:22PM

How can you make someone laugh from a 2d text profile. Humour is not just about words, it's about how it is delivered, which can only be observed. You can't fake a dialogue delivery, but can easily fake a profile which probably took someone days to produce.

1478211 - 31 Oct, 2021 - 06:53PM

All I can say is honesty and correct spelling worked for me, within a fortnight of joining the site my new lover and I had met and fucked.

She was looking for a blend of sadism and tenderness, I was looking for a woman who likes to please and embraces her infidelity. Based on our experience I would say that saying what you want helps you get it.

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ExoticOrchid - 29 Oct, 2021 - 04:52PM

Reepicheep - 03:56PM

You're right ... Tom Hardy doesn't really do it for me 🤔 ... wouldn't say no if there's no other choice but definitely not at the top of my list though ... haha 😉

(no doubt he'll be gutted to hear this 🤣🤣🤣)

Reepicheep - 29 Oct, 2021 - 03:56PM

Trying to appeal to all women unless you’re Tom Hardy (and even then..) is a doomed ambition and rightly so. If you’re fortunate then the right woman for you will respond to your honestly written profile and it won’t matter whether you made her laugh or made her think. Be you and write it as you feel it.

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