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To Clown or Not to Clown?

What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest ðŸ™‚

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Comments (190)

1483842 - 23 Oct, 2021 - 09:20PM

If we are really honest with ourselves then a sense if humour mixed with flirtatious teasing is incredibly effective. Especially for newbies

1482664 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 11:17PM

With the way the world is at the present time smile laugh let's treat ourselves to some fun!

Paula99 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 07:29PM

Its all about the balance....no woman wants a clown or too serious....

1481186 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 07:18PM

I like some humour in a profile. I’ve no idea how my profile goes down but I can say that from the ladies’ profiles here which include an element of humour it does make the first approach so much easier. As others have said, most are looking for some sort of connection- if you’re miles apart on the humour front it’s just not going to work.

As an aside, there’s evident frustration that many introductory messages sent by us chaps are simple a simple Hi, or equivalent, but if all you have is a standard profile avatar and either an auto-generated (groan) profile or have done the bare minimum to hit the word count it’s not going to be conducive to any sort of personalised approach.

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Curveyandcurious - 19 Oct, 2021 - 05:49PM

I like a honest profile that's fun and to the point.. .I think getting a connection before the sexaul talk..ie ..within a few sentences you get asked your favorite sex position isn't a connection to me lol....you know its there then you know .. woop woop.. lol ... that buzz amd build up to the meet to see if you gel goes further I think x then the proper old fashioned affair begins xx

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Imneverg - 19 Oct, 2021 - 03:09PM

In my profile I like to be genuine and honest. Once I start chatting to someone then the fun side comes out and if I meet someone I can let my hair down and totally be myself. I'm light hearted and like a good joke

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1377078 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 10:21AM

Taking the piss outta myself is the only thing that keeps the mirror from cracking when I look at it [sic]…

I’ll get me coat 🧥

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1466140 - 19 Oct, 2021 - 08:38AM

I can’t be funny/witty in general. I am far too serious in most cases, but I do have a dark sense of humour. It does depend on the context, and what I find funny.

I do think that the demand to be wowed in the first message can be quite unreal. I can’t do that. It takes time for me to get going. I get it that women want to filter the dross out in messages, but a lot of players are really good at bullshit.

My profile is honest. I am married, looking for an old fashioned affair. I don’t know how to project myself.

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Getting2KnowU - 25 Nov, 2020 - 01:46PM

Adding some humour is very much subjective...everyone is different.

I personally like to read a profile that looks like it has taken a bit of time to complete and includes humour and self reflection...the aim is to see how this can create an attraction and desire to be brave and send a message to start the journey to explore more.

Most profiles I have reviewed do seem quite samey...what is it about highlighting a TV series, movies and music as a way to describe themselves?

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Wilts_lady - 14 Nov, 2020 - 09:14PM

A bit of both.....

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