Affairs can be fairytales too
All the books and movies about happily ever afters - soooo glamorised.
Come on Cinderella, the balls over, nobody found your shoe. I've had more chemistry, love and adventure in an affair - which brings me to the bold statement - affairs can be fairytales too.
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Comments (94)
Wild & Free - 25 Sep, 2020 - 10:55AM
Imagine if they told the rest of the stories, after *happily ever....* :P
Someone To Love - 25 Sep, 2020 - 10:53AM
Any passionate relationship should feel like a fairytale
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Sussanahversary - 25 Sep, 2020 - 10:52AM
I agree, all those disney movies growing up give you false expectations lol.
I've had a long term affair which really felt like a romance from a movie, at the time. Everything does come to an end, eventually. Have to live in the moment
Ade.mac2017 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 10:51AM
Yes I agree. I had a wonderful affair with a 31 year old co worker. I am 45. We dined and dined at some lovely restaurants. We stayed in lavish hotels. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time. Sex was amazing. Exploring one another’s bodies. The fairytale bit is it realised I didn’t love my wife so we’re getting a divorce. I’m not with either woman at the moment but loving life. That’s why I’m on here to enjoy myself and have fun
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