Affairs can be fairytales too
All the books and movies about happily ever afters - soooo glamorised.
Come on Cinderella, the balls over, nobody found your shoe. I've had more chemistry, love and adventure in an affair - which brings me to the bold statement - affairs can be fairytales too.
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Comments (94)
Harvey052 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 06:47PM
The only fairytale endings that work out, are those you make for yourself 😃
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1408195 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 12:01AM
MrDarcy2020 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 11:28PM
While it lasts it really can be. The time afterwards and the pain are the opposite
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Anna.K - 25 Sep, 2020 - 10:16PM
The romance of an affair while it lasts can often be and often is the stuff of fairytales ...
1408335 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 08:08PM
What I find hard to believe is how many still expect the fairy tale when they are old enough to know better? Escapism though is the bread and butter of this forum is it not? As long as you are capable of keeping your eyes wide open playing the romance is fine and Dandy.. for as long as it lasts.
Personally I'd love to go back to the 60's and do it all over again. Back then a 'one night stand' was not considered a crime against humanity!! LOL
1412437 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 06:24PM
I have had 1 long affair and it was lovely while it lasted with seeing each other about once a month over around 8 years it came to an end when she got divorced and fell in love with someone else. We are still great friends but really missing what the affair gave me
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1320953 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 06:03PM
Well I will let you know once I find someone that’s not either a serial chatter intention of having a relationship in real life or that’s treats me with more respect than to ghost me or forget he’s message me before !
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Suzanna Foxwell - 25 Sep, 2020 - 02:00PM
Cinderella and her Prince lived happily ever after..
And then the Prince found that drinking and hanging out with his mates was more fun than spending time with her and so she set out to find a rugged footman to give her a jolly good seeing too while the prince was away
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Ade.mac2017 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 11:48AM
I swear the Disney movies are dumbing the children. I have the Disney + app on the tele at home. The shit what the kids watch on that is horrific.
The best part of all fairytales is that the original stories aren’t for kids. Grimm takes
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