Affairs can be fairytales too
All the books and movies about happily ever afters - soooo glamorised.
Come on Cinderella, the balls over, nobody found your shoe. I've had more chemistry, love and adventure in an affair - which brings me to the bold statement - affairs can be fairytales too.
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Comments (94)
1317379 - 10 Oct, 2020 - 07:30AM
Exotic orchid...Prince charming at first and then he turned into an ugly toad 😄
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ExoticOrchid - 09 Oct, 2020 - 08:44PM
Cindylou60 - 07:59PM
Prince Charming ... not! ☹
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1317379 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 07:59PM
No exotic orchid, 5 years later and he's cheated on me at least twice..
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ExoticOrchid - 09 Oct, 2020 - 05:23PM
Cindylou60 - 04:15PM
No happily ever after in your fairy tale then?
1317379 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 04:15PM
Yes I agree, I had 2 amazing relationships. The second one turned out to be the live of my life and I divorced my husband for him.
Trwela - 06 Oct, 2020 - 09:06AM
It depends on the effort and honesty of the people involved. I had a Fairy Tale once.
PecanPie - 27 Sep, 2020 - 08:39AM
One can only dream.. I say don’t expect too much; every thing on here is an illusion. Enjoy it whilst it last!
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Plum Blonde - 26 Sep, 2020 - 11:08PM
Fairytales are fiction .Not reality .You should make it very clear that you're in it purely as long as the romance and exciting times last .and you aren't !looking for a very long term arrangement .Then poor Cinders won't get the wrong idea.
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KatieO - 26 Sep, 2020 - 10:00PM
They absolutely can turn out to be fairytales x
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