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Affairs can be fairytales too

All the books and movies about happily ever afters - soooo glamorised.

Come on Cinderella, the balls over, nobody found your shoe. I've had more chemistry, love and adventure in an affair - which brings me to the bold statement - affairs can be fairytales too.

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Comments (94)

1459408 - 27 Oct, 2021 - 10:36PM

Fairytales you’re kidding!! surely you mean fairy liquid?…. You’ve got to wash lots of dirty dishes before you get to the squeaky-clean ones?.Even then you may find some that are chipped and broken? The brothers Grimm got it right with their social commentary fairytales(certainly no sleeping beauty or prince charming amongst that lot)
Whoops! mind you don’t slipover that spilt fairy liquid

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EmnEm123 - 27 Oct, 2021 - 06:52PM



What makes it a fairytale? It's just an affair, not happily ever after.

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Ddonna - 27 Oct, 2021 - 06:13PM

So fairytales exist 🤔 absolutely fecking not otherwise we all wouldn’t be here lol

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1483395 - 27 Oct, 2021 - 05:14PM

As I said to my late wife - At least your knight in shining armour came along, and not a prat in tinfoil - her original statement was "I found my prince, but I had to kiss a few frogs before I found you".....she had been married 3 times before and had kept her last divorce certificate framed to remind her never to do it again - 11 months after first meeting she proposed to me...

ExoticOrchid - 27 Oct, 2021 - 03:14PM

I haven't believed in fairy tales since I stopped reading Barbara Cartland and Mills & Boon in my late teens!

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1472880 - 27 Oct, 2021 - 01:33PM

You need to meet up or at least have a call with someone to tell if there is a fairy tale to be had.

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Imneverg - 27 Oct, 2021 - 10:16AM

I'm still waiting for my fairytale affaire. I know it's out there, that's why I'm here looking.

Gallowglass666 - 07 Sep, 2021 - 12:04PM

I always wondered about Cinderella- glass shoes do seem a little risky, and is the shoe size of a girl really a good way for a Prince to choose the mother of his children? Just saying....!

MatureWorcsBBW - 19 Aug, 2021 - 05:01PM

Remember the film The Bridges of Madison County.

That is an affair worth remembering.

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1117169 - 08 Aug, 2021 - 07:06AM

Too many " Princesses" too!

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