Affairs can be fairytales too
All the books and movies about happily ever afters - soooo glamorised.
Come on Cinderella, the balls over, nobody found your shoe. I've had more chemistry, love and adventure in an affair - which brings me to the bold statement - affairs can be fairytales too.
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Comments (94)
Maxwell601 - 24 Oct, 2020 - 10:40AM
Maybe you have been rubbing a little to hard eh😜
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themoonsaballoon - 24 Oct, 2020 - 08:39AM
I don’t know about fairy tales but 12am curfews and lost clothing sound more familiar
1317379 - 24 Oct, 2020 - 08:16AM
Oops * rubbing...don't you just hate autospell 😄
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1317379 - 24 Oct, 2020 - 08:13AM
I've been running my lamp for years but nothing comes out....I'm still waiting for my Genie and 3 wishes 😄 X
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1414462 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 09:06AM
Me I'm a sucker for lake house me soft ...if it makes you happy its a good thing in this mad world...Happy Friday all enjoy 😉
1360297 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 07:26AM
A happy ever after doesn't mean something has to last forever. An amicable end for whatever reason, with both of you having left the other with something precious - that is possible and beautiful.
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Big ash 9” - 11 Oct, 2020 - 11:50PM
To be fair I’m looking for a sexual connection even if it’s through text, pictures and just talking I feel like I’m missing out and that’s why we’re on here to be wanted
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1405994 - 11 Oct, 2020 - 07:33PM
They really can be xx
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